Alex Jones Seems To Be Doing Well In Austin

August 12, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it’s nice to see him getting out and about enjoying the weather and all.



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0 Comments to “Alex Jones Seems To Be Doing Well In Austin”

  1. I am OK with him getting covid OR having a stroke. Either is OK

  2. Beth Francis says:

    How many sharks you reckon he’s jumped by now? I’ve lost count.

  3. I’ve seen belly flops at Barton Springs. But I think Alex “Belly” Jones circling the port-o-pee ignored by everyone within ranting distance, even with a megaphone, is about the biggest flop ever displayed.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    That lifeguard isn’t paid near enough!

  5. Alex Jones is a deplorable. A deplorable what? you ask. Any noun you care to use with his name. Deplorable media personality. Deplorable loudmouth. Deplorable resident of Austin whom I hope to goodness Austin doesn’t dropkick this direction. Deplorable human being. Deplorable man. He has deplorable manners, deplorable morals, deplorable ethical stances (he thinks they’re ethical), deplorable appearance.

    Words don’t fail, but there’s really no need to go further.

    Alas, alas for Alex Jones
    Deplorable man from skin to bones,
    From top to toes, from heart to guts
    Alex Jones is deplorably nuts.
    He makes up hoaxes to get some fame
    But all he does is stain his name.

  6. WTF is he even ranting about here?

    And what is the cop that is attached to that cop car doing? Had this been a Muslim, Hispanic, or black person doing this he would be cuffed and on the ground for “disturbing the peace.”

  7. I sort of agree, Alan. I know some really good cops. Then we have the ones who got the job to “protect and serve” nutcases like this, and others who just wanted a legal outlet for being bullies. One possible excuse for the cop is that thing about freaking out narcissists by just ignoring them. It’s possible that the smartest way to handle this doofus is just to keep him com getting the attention he wants. Those kids in the video are smart; the cop may be playing the same long game.

  8. Disappointing. I have enjoyed visiting Austin in the past. And of course driving around it to get to San Antone.

    Surprising too. I’d have bet the rent check that Alex had made it to the seventh ring of He77 by now. 😉

  9. Looks like he’s on Trump’s diet.

  10. Sandridge says:

    Meanwhile, not too far to the southwest, the good citizens of the Boerne, TX area are beginning a massive medical experiment on their own children. [Boerne is pronounced ‘Burnee’, not ‘Born”]
    Boerne is [now] a largely upscale and Anglo nest of R-voting [85%, mas o menos] bible-thumping MAGAot cultists.

    Early in the COVID19 pandemic, when the RWNJ Wurlitzer [including Ass Jones] was howling to ‘open up! everything it’s a hoax’, the ‘zens of Boerne were pretty vocal about it all; with about 82% wanting the schools reopened ASAP dangnab it!.
    Now their kids are walking into a likely viral stewpot. The outcome in a week or two should be most interesting…

    [in SoTXese: ‘La Chica Kamala ‘ta muy malo por Los Pendejos del Norte’…]

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The Trumpf party of the politically insane, repugnanticans. I would love to see him sick with the coronavirus. He’s begging for it. He definitely has underlying conditions.

  12. slipstream says:

    That’s a really small megaphone. Just sayin’

  13. Heidi Good says:

    What wife? She divorced him a few years back and took the kids too as I recall. This guys is majorly nuts.

  14. Larry Cross says:

    Well something has to compensate for his inadequacies elsewhere.

  15. Heidi@13

    He’s got another one now. I don’t think I would care to associate with anyone willing to marry him.

  16. Jason Elsome says:

    I know this is a family website but the reactions of the people in these still Fotos is heart warming (warning, offensive to some gestures shown)

  17. I’m late to this, but; he doesn’t have any family who loves him—-does he?

  18. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Well, at least he’s getting some outside exercise. And the teenagers around him are reacting exactly as you’d expect teens to do…they’re on their phones.

  19. I find that a bit intriguing – as performance art.

  20. In the old days you had to wait until the Circus came to town to see freaks like this.

  21. Tsk, tsk! it has come to this! Ranting on street corners to a scant number of people who are actually trying to maybe get some sleep? Wow! How the unworthy have fallen!

  22. Does anyone else find the fact he started when being recorded somewhat disingenuous? Protest for the masses means the *masses protest*, not that individuals designate what protests are to be carried out in the populace’s sake.

    He just is taking advantage of summer hires to abuse, and from the looks he’s getting from them, it isn’t working. Remember, Moms and Vets faced down armored storm-troopers, this guy faces down bored teens…


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