Alan Grayson is The Man

July 02, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita has a little crush on Florida Demcoratic Congressman Alan Grayson.

“He’s everything good about being a Democrat,” she says.

“Grayson, like a few others I know, got elected accidentally in a conservative district.  But, unlike a few others I know, he didn’t sell out his principles and his supporters to try to get re-elected by becoming a lap dog to big oil, and donating $375 million in tax money for deep water drilling research.  Nick Lampson used $375 million of your dollars to buy their support for himself.  He is such a jerk.”

“Lampson never understood that if you go to bed with conservatives, they’ll screw you for sure, but they won’t ever respect you in the morning.  Lampson got in bed with them, they used him up and then they tossed him out with the garbage,” she shakes her head remembering.  “And, by the way, if he says I ever asked him for money, he’s a lying sack of festering feathers and I can prove it.”

“But, let’s get back to seeing how it’s done right,” she continues.  “Alan Grayson got accidentally elected, too.  And that’s where the similarity ends.  Grayson stood tall in the saddle instead of ducking behind the barn.   Instead of becoming a lap dog, he started explaining his progressive ideas to the voters, and …. they are coming to his side.”

“There’s a damn good chance that he’s going to be re-elected,” she grins.

“And meanwhile, he’s still doing good stuff.  Go sign his petition to end the wars and save America.  Hell, it’s a rainy Friday – do something that’ll make you feel good.”

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