Ahhhhh, So That’s What You Mean By Consequences
Up between Texas and Arkansas is a place called Liberty Eylua, Texas. I’m not saying this is the geographic center of batcrap crazy in Texas and dangerously close to Arkansas, but …. oh hell, never mind, it probably is.
A bizarre chain of events led to a massive blaze that completely burned down one home and damaged another on Wednesday night in Bowie County.
The fire chief explained how things went tragically wrong moments after the homeowner made a quick decision after a frightening discovery.
“While cleaning up, she saw a snake, threw gasoline on the snake, and lit the snake on fire,” said Deputy Randall Baggett of the Bowie County Sheriff’s Office. “And the snake went into the brush pile and the brush pile caught the home on fire.
It was not immediate clear whether any charges will be filed.
A neighboring home was also damaged by the fire.
I suspect it seemed like a good idea at the time. The upside is that the fire did $42,000 worth of improvements on the house.
Thanks to Carol Ann for the heads up.