Ahhhh …. Spring

April 01, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Sumbitches, Uncategorized


It’s spring and the RNC’s heart turns to thoughts of —-

The Republican National Committee sent a fundraising mail piece earlier this month with a return number that leads to a phone-sex line offering “live, one-on-one talk with a nasty girl who will do anything you want for just  $2.99 per minute.”

At the bottom of a piece designed to resemble a census form, a toll-free number is listed next to the national party’s address.

A voter in Minnesota received the mailer and called the number intending to complain about the attempt to raise money with a form that looks like a government document.

But the Minnesotan was instead directed to a second toll-free number that greets callers as “sexy guy” before offering them the chance to talk with “real local students, housewives and working girls from all over the country.”

Working girls, huh?

Well, they got that part right.

(Thanks to Deb and Kathy for the heads-up)

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