Ahem. Speaking of Drunk and Stoopid …

April 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Allen West.

I know I’ve said enough in the opening paragraph to make my point, but there’s more.

I think I’ve come to believe in this whole reincarnation thingy.  Guess who came back as a black man in Florida?

West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he’s “heard” that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, the Palm Beach Post reported. West wouldn’t elaborate beyond that, however, and didn’t offer up any names.

Okay, so half of the House Democrats are members of the Communist Party.  I wonder when and where they hold their meetings?  Hell, Honey, there’s not 80 Communists left in Russia.  There’s only half a dozen or so in Cuba.  Maybe more; it depends on whether Fidel died this morning or not.  Judging from his past, probably not.

You know that you have really run out of outrageous things to say when all you have left is gibberish.  Gibberish with twaddle on top.  And claptrap on the side.

Now for the fun part.  This is the guy who Sarah Palin thinks should be Vice President.  And, while I admit that he’s more qualified and sane than she is, Joe Biden has 100 IQ points and mental health on him.

No, no, wait.  There’s more….

During the same event, which took place at Florida Atlantic University, the freshman Republican said President Barack Obama wouldn’t have a public debate with him over their policy differences because he was “scared.”

Well, I should hope so.  I’m scared of Allen West, too.  There’s no telling when the guy is gonna all Colonel Walter E. Kurtz on us and run around chasing invisible rabbits with a Bowie knife and a lasso, while wearing a pink flamingo shirt and flip flops.  That stuff scares the dickens outta me.  And I will sleep better at night knowing my President shares my concerns.

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