Ah, Sweet Mysteries of Manhood

May 29, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican men – you can’t love ‘um and you can’t kick ‘um.

Please allow me to introduce Nebraska state Sen. Bill Kintner, a man who calls himself a Christian, and has apparently recently been named Reserve Champion Men You’d Like to Kick, Patronizing Division.

When asked what he would consider his “biggest mystery,” Kintner replied: “Women. No one understands them. They don’t even understand themselves. Books and books and books have been written about it, and no one understands it.”

But, Kintner adds, he does not suffer from the same crippling lack of self-knowledge as the more mysterious half of the population: “Men are very easy to understand. Very basic, very simple,” he said.

Yes, very simple.  Simply needing to be kicked.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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