
October 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Donald Trump says he’s going to get aggressive now.


Okay, so best I can figure that means he’ll also be nakkid when he walks in on women in dressing rooms at beauty pageants.

He’ll take a chainsaw to the next debate?

He’ll stop sleeping altogether and ride a cocaine high until November 28th – which is when he told people to vote.


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0 Comments to “Aggressive?”

  1. Well, here’s to hoping that he tries all three of those suggestions. At the same time. That way 100 million people could watch him have his own Michael Richard Maser moment.

  2. P.P., and wouldn’t that be sweet sweet karma!

  3. I think he means he’ll stick that pouty lip out even farther, whine even louder and insist that totally whacked out trumpeltonians be allowed to scream at will in the last debate and chase out or beat up anyone who exhibits any sign of mature adult behavior.

    Or something.

  4. slipstream says:

    Mamma, please don’t look.

    I just love this headline in so many ways: Trump’s Campaign Is ‘Pulling Out of Virginia’

  5. Trump can’t win.
    But he can still bring down as many people as possible on his way to the bottom. I think that’s his plan.

  6. I liked editorial cartoonist Clay Jones’s comment the other day:

    He’s “unshackled?” You mean to tell me all this time he’s been inhibited? He’s been holding back? He’s restrained himself? What the hell does Trump, the guy threatening to throw his opponent in jail, consider “unshackled?” Is he going to drop an N-bomb? Refer to Hillary as the C-word? Talk about the size of her butt? Promise to outlaw tacos?

    I think the only way he could get more aggressive is to open the last debate by punching Clinton in the face, but he doesn’t have the guts to try that.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Oh the humanity! Or not, since the flaming Trumpenberg is going down, down, with a cargo hold full of screaming pantspissing Rescummies. Burn bahybee, burn…

  8. Rhea, what so many of the “experts” don’t know and wouldn’t take into account any is that Hillary was the only girl amongst her sibling. She grew up putting boys in their place: translation – cage fighter. Perhaps the best reason why I really, really like her.

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    If they’re really pulling out of VA because they don’t have enough money to spend on advertising there…goody, goody, gumdrops. (And anyway–spend what you want, guys, advertising won’t sell sandwiches once people taste that they’re spread with effluent.)

  10. slipstream says:

    Outlaw tacos? Oh, the horror.

  11. What are the odds Trump won’t make a congratulatory phone call or concession speech on election night (immediately after the polls close in California)?

    Right now I’m betting 50-50. Real losers don’t concede, they just fume away.

  12. If he’s going to get aggressive, some one please get the tranquilizer harpoon ready…

  13. maggie, I still enjoy this ranking of 14 candidates for their usefulness in a bar fight. Trump is #13, above only Ted Cruz, and Clinton is #1.

    “Clinton takes care of her own. If you’re on her team and you’re in a fight, she’s going to be breaking chairs over people’s backs. And I don’t know where she got that bike chain that she’s whirling over her head, but just be glad you’re not the guy she side-kicked into the juke box. Or the one who just had a beer stein spiked into his head.

    “When the fight is over, be sure to thank her with proper respect, buy her a beer, and relish the speed with which she composes herself and the shining pleasure in her eyes.”

  14. @Rhea

    I read that piece and couldn’t agree more with its conclusions.

  15. Kate Dungan says:

    That goon wanted to hit Hillary in the worst way during the last debate. You could see it on his face, in his actions, and in his language. I’m sure the Secret Service guys were tensed up and ready to go into action. I can just see The Big Dawg jumping on the stage and decking El Donald if he did hit her.

  16. Rhea: Thanks for that.

  17. National Memo has some thoughts on the orange-atang’s aggression. They say he’s doing it with his boyfriend, Putin. No. Not that kind of “doing it”, though they might be. What National Memo is referring to is media manipulation, including Russian hacks, and our own wingnut media sites like Drudge, et. al.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know what should happen for the last debate. Hillary shouldn’t show. Seriously. When asked why, explain that there was no one and nothing to debate
    And if she wanted to be on the Jerry Springer show she would. She wants to debate issues ans policy and all Trump wants to do is name calling and character assassination. Who (besides Donnie) could argue those points?

  19. Dumbo’s rallies are now full on teahadist, ultra right hate fests. He’s claiming Hillary got the debate questions ahead of time(like she needs them) is getting help from the media to get her elected and of course she’s going to destroy the country. And the morons who follow him are screaming and chanting lock her up. This is how violence is fomented.

  20. @maryelle: Yes, and a lot of those who think Hilary is “planning to take away their guns” are worked up 1) because they are already armed & fear they shouldn’t have guns in the first place and 2) because all they need more guidance on where to aim their weapons. How long before something horrible happens? How bad can it get? Like you, it is really worrying.

  21. Mr. Trump is such a weak fool. I would be kind to him if he was not trying to ruin our country. Back off–Donald. Retreat to one of your residences so we don’t have to stomp you.

  22. Yeah, according to politico, at a rally in Florida this afternoon, he’s got Hillary at the head of a vast conspiracy controlling the media to defeat America(him). Worldwide. Global elites and the whole Alex Jones, foaming at the mouth paranoid propaganda. Anybody remember Jade Helm? That was nothing.

  23. Susan: they’ve been saying for eight years that Obama was going to “take away their guns.” When it doesn’t happen, they must think it’s another one of their whistles-to-keep-away-the-polar-bears triumphs and focus on the *next* Democrat who’s going to “take away their guns”…..

  24. joel hanes says:

    Off Topic:

    Good on TX Justice Terry Jennings, who has been on the Texas First Court of Appeals since 2000

    Jennings just left the Republican Party, rebuking them for sexism and bigotry, as he joined the Democratic Party.


  25. Susan and maryelle, I have similar concerns. The orange-atang is fomenting violence. I want the secret service to step up Hillary’s protection.

  26. fierywoman says:

    tRump will probably sue the Federal election board when he loses. Anyone seeing Melania going for a divorce shortly afterwards?

  27. Elizabeth Moon says:

    There are at least two kinds of bullies: strong bullies and wussy-bullies. Strong bullies will pick on smaller kids but are also willing to fight guys their own size–they just like hitting and fighting. Once a little kid stands up to them, they’ll still bloody the kid’s nose, but they may respect the little kid thereafter and not bully that one.

    Wussy-bullies pick on smaller kids but if the smaller kid punches back, the wussy-bully will complain and call for higher authority to punish the smaller kid…teacher, parent, whatever person the little kid absolutely can’t win against.

    Hence Trump’s complaint that “people I don’t even know are attacking me” and his threats (previous and current) to “sue” them (and the NYT.) In his peabrain, he’s the one who has the right to yell, insult, and attack anyone he wants…but if they hit back in any way, there’s the whiny “It’s not faaaaaiiirrr!” and the appeal to litigation.

    (This is experience speaking. I was bullied. I fought bullies. I won some. The distinction between strong and wussy bullies is clear by age 8. Rich bullies tend to be wussy bullies. Their parents call up your parent to complain about you hitting poor widdle boy who’s 2 grades ahead in school, four inches taller, and pounds heavier. Parents like that create wussy bullies. Poor bullies tend to be strong bullies. If you know how to hit and are a fast runner, you may actually win one. Then they let you alone. And they never complain to a teacher. Lessons learned on the playgrounds and streets between school and home in S.Texas.) (Thing is, though, if you win over the bullies in first through seventh grade, you don’t get many dates in high school. And yanno–it doesn’t matter. Because you can find good husband material somewhere else, later on.)

  28. fierywoman, I also see Melania writing a tell all book!!! Complete with pictures.

    Elizabeth, I ran into bullies in school, a school where there weren’t supposed to be any. It was totally authoritarian, hence the kids were supposed to be too scared to pull anything. But they did. Would you believe the bully that almost killed me came begging towards the end of senior year for my tutoring help? I did. Before you think this was a totally class act, I tutored her just enough to get a very, very low passing grade, something she never realized. She thought she was getting wayyyy more than just the bare essentials. Tells ya something, doesn’t it. There’s forgiveness (which wouldn’t work on her at all!) and there’s justice which worked for me just fine. None of us had wealthy parents to take up our cause with the school. We just had to duke it out ourselves.

  29. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I don’t know how aggressive he is getting but his loyal minions are close to rioting in North Carolina, or so I hear.

  30. It appears that Donald’s definition of “aggressive” includes threatening to sue every media outlet that reports on someone’s claim that Donald assaulted her. Because ensuring that every news cycle between now and the election will have at least one story linking him to felony sexual assault is a winning strategy.

  31. Tilphousia says:

    Trump has been a wuss since birth and his daddy continually bailed him out. After all, to takes ‘business genious’ to turn a gift of $14 million into a $916 million loss and 4 or is it 6 bankruptcies. Trump is a thing of no substance, only smoke and mirrors. Hillary gain everything she has with hard work, brainpower, stamina and willpower. She’s like the ladies in previous statements here, the real deal.

  32. “Okay, so best I can figure that means he’ll also be nakkid when he walks in on women in dressing rooms at beauty pageants.”

    I need brain bleach, please.
