Acting Attorney General Refuses to Defend Muslim Ban – Fired.

January 30, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Fascism, Trump

Today, Susan Q. Yates, an Obama administration holdover until Cheeto Jesus gets a new bigot attorney general confirmed, announced that the Justice Department would not defend the new Bannon Muslim Ban enacted last Friday.  CJ promptly fired her, accusing her of “betraying” the administration.  Yes.  She certainly “betrayed” the administration by upholding her sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. Yates, a 27 year veteran of the Justice Department is well regarded in legal circles.  So, obviously, she has to go from the worst presidential administration since Richard Nixon or Andrew Jackson.  Your choice.

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0 Comments to “Acting Attorney General Refuses to Defend Muslim Ban – Fired.”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    And did you catch CJ’s tweet in the link where he whines about Dems obstructing!


  2. I don’t think any previous president has *started out* destroying the country. But then we’ve never previously had a narcissistic brat advised by bigots.

    Two recent favorite images: sign held up: “LET THEM IN, KICK HIM OUT,” and a cartoon by Darrin Bell in which a pouting widdle Trump is wearing a hat that says “Make America 8 Again.”

  3. No surprise; all minions must bow to the emperor.

  4. Lotsa good points on Maddow and O’Donnell. Donnie Douchebag didn’t have to fire Sally Yates. He could have brought in outside counsel to defend his executive order, leaving Mrs Yates in place to run every other aspect of the justice department until she’s relieved. But nooooo. She failed the loyalty test. And oh yeah, she’s a she. Since his proclamation has gone 0 for 5 in federal court, and been shot down all 5 times by a “nasty woman”, well hells bells, how many uppity womenfolk can he be expected to put up with?

  5. I thank Ms. yates for standing up to a bigoted, maniac, fascist bully and defending her duty to uphold the Constitution. I hope many others will follow her example.

  6. Rather than hang her head in shame, she will be viewed as a hero. Look to see a lot more of her – he just made her famous!

  7. Hope her pension is safe.
    Yates must be pretty intelligent, skilled, sounds like a prime D candidate to me, for a House district or something. After a win, a little payback would be OK, no?

  8. Saw somewhere the orange thing fired head of ICE. Demanding fealty to him by people sworn to uphold the Constitution. Impeach now, he’s shown enough high crimes and misdemeanors– and endnagering the country with it all.

  9. OMG. When I woke up this morning to the headline in the WaPo I thought I had been mystically sent back in time to the Nixon administration and the Saturday night massacre where three high ranking officers of that administration were bounced for disagreeing with the prez! Does anyone remember how soon the impeachment protocol went into effect after that happened? Who the blazes wants to work for this guy? He’s death on a cracker!

  10. Susan Dress says:

    Looks like they’ve already scrubbed her page from the DOJ. Does anyone have an archived copy?
    And they’ve already got Dana Boente’s info up. He issued this statement:
    “On January 30, 2017, Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates issued a memorandum barring Department of Justice Attorney’s from presenting arguments in defense of the President’s January 27, 2017, Executive Order entitled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.” At approximately 9:00 p.m., I was asked by the President to serve in the capacity of Acting Attorney General. After having dedicated the last thirty-three years of my life to this Department, I am humbled and incredibly honored to serve as Acting Attorney General. Based upon the Office of Legal Counsel’s analysis, which found the Executive Order both lawful on its face and properly drafted, I hereby rescind former Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates January 30, 2017, guidance and direct the men and women of the Department of Justice to do our sworn duty and to defend the lawful orders of our President.”
    One can only hope that the words ‘lawful orders’ will come back to haunt him.

  11. Maggie: The story broke about halfway through the Rachael Maddow show last night, and they had to report it, analyze it and possible outcomes, etc. Live. In real time, no prep. Compelling as hell. My favorite part was when, during the handoff to Lawrence O’Donnell, he asked her to step across the hall and help continue the discussion. The look in her eyes when she said “I’ll be right there”, is something I’ll never forget. Oh, almost forgot. The next probable crisis? Rachel reported that 100 staff members at the State department were considering signing a document in protest of the “selective Muslim ban” (for lack of a better term). Given the news that Donnie’s staff is massively short-handed, you gotta wonder who’s gonna be doing the work of the agencies under his control after he fires all the career professionals with any integrity.

  12. Annabelle Lee says:

    Bless you, Susie Q. Now, take your big legal brain and your finely honed sense of honor over to the ACLU and spend a few years deconstructing every OTHER un-Constitutional thing he tries until he implodes.

  13. treehugger says:

    I’ve seen a lot of posts quoting Bannon as saying he aims to bring down the Constitution (to paraphrase). It seems to me that he is actually in charge now (and you know he’s bad when even Darth Cheney comes out against the Muslim ban). I have to wonder if the whole goal is to create chaos and bring the country to its knees. But to what end? What do these people have to gain by this? And after 10 days in office, Trump is off for a vacay down in Florida. Leaving this spawn of Satan in charge, I guess.

  14. Next step: requiring the taking of an oath of allegiance to Trump hisownself. Not to the nation — not to the Constitution — to the man.

    Yes, there is precedent — the one everyone loves to cite — because it just keeps on being true: Hitler did exactly that. Countdown till Trump [at the behest of Bannon] follows suit – in 3 – 2 – 1 – – –

  15. My new hero, Sally Yates.

  16. When most of us were in HS History class and they covered WWII, someone; a teacher, a fellow student asked, “what would you have done had you been in Nazi Germany?” Yesterday Sally Yates showed us what the right answer looks like.
