
April 26, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of Juanita’s favorite words is absquatulated. She thinks her grandmother invented that word. It means: gone, as in ‘he absquatulated with all the money from the cookie sale.’

It can also mean turned up missing, as in ‘Missouri City Mayoral candidate Cynthia Lenton Gary absquatulated more than any other council person in the past three years.’

While councilperson Brett Kolaja missed one more meeting than Lenton-Gary did, he’s been serving a year longer, so she holds the record for her term of office.

“I did not see that information on her campaign literature,” Juanita confesses. “And while absquatulating might not be something to be proud of, holding a record does allow bragging rights. You’d think she’d want the citizens to know that she can do her job without showing up half the time. That’s pretty darn amazing.”

Here’s her record of missing meetings:

“You can’t miss that many meetings by accident,” Juanita says, “That kind of missing takes work.”

“So, tomorrow start a new program at work.  Only show up every other day and then ask for a promotion,” Juanita suggests.

“The Lenton-Gary part time public service award will be handed out on election night,” she grins.

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