Absolutely Nothing To Do With Politics, But …

December 14, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I found this real interesting considering that Elon Musk fired everybody at Twitter and still can’t pay his bills, so he’s holding a fire sale.

They say you can get some good bargains there, including Eames chairs, expresso machines, screens on wheels, a bunch of laser projectors, some stuff vaguely related to art, a bunch of enormous Google whiteboards worth about $3,000 each, ergonomic workstations still in the box, and an enormous vegetable dryer.

You can take a peek. Beginning bid is $25 – $50, apparently according to whim. It all starts on January 17th at 7:00 am California time and ends the next morning.  My bet is that the site crashes by 7:15 am.


0 Comments to “Absolutely Nothing To Do With Politics, But …”

  1. What the heck is a “vegetable dryer?”

  2. @Barb, I wondered the same thing!

    Google and ye shall find!


    Why the heck Twitter needs these things is beyond me!

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Hmmm. And this is a financial genius? I didn’t see the kitchen sink he brought to work his first day in charge. Gunna have to sell a lot of crap to recoup his investment. Might have to sell off some spaceships.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    When does the betting start? I’ll take 7:10 for $20 on Elon’s site crash. As for his entrepreneurial skills, guessing he learned those at tRump U.

  5. slipstream says:

    Careful with your bids. Sales tax is 8.63%. Sheesh.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    JJ’s first link has evoked a “Holy Moly!” from me, about the debt Twitter has taken on to enable Musk’s takeover:

    “The interest payments for that debt totals more than $1 billion annually”.

    The rest of the article indicates he’s gonna come up with the money via Stable Genius’s method: stiff the contractors and not pay his bills.

    And thank you, BarbinDC: you asked the question I also had.

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    Forgot to add: in addition to the sales tax slipstream noted, you gotta arrange for shipping yourself. Plus there’s something about an 18% “buyer’s premium”. My memories of the cattle auctions in the Fort Worth Stock Exchange did not include that, but it sounds suspiciously like an auctioneer’s cut. Plus you gotta pay be wire transfer only … seems that dealing with Musk has made the company leery of personal checks.

    Also, JJ’s link takes you to a subset of the goodies. Just unclick the box “Home and Furnishings” on the left to get the full range. I’m suprised that EM is selling off their two “Rock the Bike” models. Seems more like him to put one in everyone’s cubicle and require them to generate enough electricity to keep the lights on.

  8. And…what the heck is a knoll ped?

  9. Austinhatlady says:

    @ AK Lynne
    Had the same question! But didn’t care quite enough to Google it.

  10. Old but Slow says:

    I think they just misspelled “gnome bed”.

  11. Knoll is a brand of office stuff, and these are mobile pedestals with storage for whatever you need. Teh Googly iz mah friend.

  12. Opinionated Hussy says:

    The vegetable dryers are hilarious – I realize they’re for the company canteen, but my mom had one of the family-sized ones in the 60’s. They were called “salad spinners” and had a hand crank on the lid instead of an electric motor like the Twitter ones.

    Same color, though!

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    All the furniture looks miserably uncomfortable.
