Abbott Moves from Bumbling Autocrat to Super Spreader Greg

August 17, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Abbott, Anti-Vaxxers, Coronavirus, Trumpists

It will come as no surprise that Greg Abbott is now infected with Covid-19 and no one knows how many people he spread the disease to before the announcement today.  Just last night he appeared at a Collin County GOP fundraiser where hundreds of attendees  were maskless and refused to social distance.  Who knows how many knuckle dragging anti-vaxxers were in the room.

This won’t be a wake up call, though, since Abbott is desperate to be re-elected so he can prepare for the presidential race in 2024.  He doesn’t care if Texans live or die…it’s all about staying in power.  No matter who has to die for him to do it.

On top of everything else we call him, we can now call him #superspreadergreg

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0 Comments to “Abbott Moves from Bumbling Autocrat to Super Spreader Greg”

  1. The mini-case I got after getting my second dose of the vaccine included massive exhaustion.

    What a strange way to “keep the energy up.”

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    It could not happen to a nicer guy! Of course he’ll get Trump-level medical care, if for no other reason than the money he got from his settlement for being wheel-chaired. The same settlement he avidly denied others via “tort reform”.

    I won’t say I hope he dies, but I will say I won’t go broke buying flowers for his funeral.

  3. Reluctant_Texan says:

    You made me laugh, Surly Professor. Exactly what is so wrong about Abbott, yet so few seem to see it.

  4. G Foresight says:

    What exactly are the *Texas values* that are “up for grabs in 2022” anyway Greg?

    Refusing to wear a piece of cloth on your face to protect yourself and protect your neighbors is not very neighborly.

    Even rough and tumble cowboys in Texas’s “wild west” days wore masks (bandanas) on their face.

  5. Did y’all read that a Texas school board just added masks as PART of their dress code! Working around Abbott- who is receiving medications above & beyond what he should be for HIS covid.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    I simply cannot work up the empathy for Governor Abbott that would be required for me to wish him a speedy and complete recovery. That’s OK, though, since he doesn’t have any empathy for anybody, either.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    My reply seems to have disappeared into cyberspace. I wrote:

    I simply cannot work up the empathy that would be required to wish Governor Abbott a speedy and complete recovery. But that’s OK, because he doesn’t have any empathy for anybody, either.

  8. Gee, that’s too bad, Greg. Maybe a chloroform wipe will help. Maybe an infusion of empathy.

  9. Great, now we send him to Afghanistan to “negotiate” with the Taliban.

  10. The average age of that crowd appears to be seventy, which is not a good sign (for them). I wonder how many will see the end of summer?

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Come on, coronavirus! Do DeSantis and Noem next!

  12. UmptyDump says:

    Question: “Who knows how many knuckle dragging anti-vaxxers were in the room.”

    Answer: More than are likely to be at Abbott’s next stand-up event in Collin County.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Apart from my obvious sympathies for Guv Greggie [which I couldn’t express here w/o getting in trouble, cough cough], my inner-cynical thinks that possibly this could be a feigned thing.

    Abbutt just could be trumping it up in order to facilitate a pandemic pivot in the near future. Giving himself an out for his raving MAGAoty followers should he then change positions on masks, etc.
    Hey, you can never be cynical enough when dealing with Rethuglikans.

  14. Sam in Mellen says:

    I’m only pulling for Abbott to live because of Dan Patrick eagerly waiting to take over.
