A Woman Scorned Will Hurt You, Dude
Okay, so there’s this Rightwing Republican state senator in North Carolina named Wesley Meredith.
He’s a stinker.
Earlier this week, the senator’s 19th district opponent, Fayetteville attorney Billy Richardson, released financial and public assistance documents to the media showing the couple was on Medicaid and WIC.
And where did Richardson get the documents to prove that Meredith was taking Medicaid and WIC while making a six-figure income? Oh yeah … Meredith’s ex wife. She says she didn’t know about it until her divorce lawyer discovered it.
Fun, huh? Hypocrisy is always fun to watch.
But it gets better.
When the documents were first released on Wednesday, the Senate Republican caucus responded —
The North Carolina Republican Senate Caucus put out a statement Tuesday calling the accusations “desperate and despicable.”
“The only thing surprising about Billy Richardson’s wild accusations is that he didn’t stand on his desk and hurl them at the media. Less than 24 hours after the first public poll in this race showed him trailing by an insurmountable, double-digit margin, Richardson decided to drive his campaign into the gutter – the same place where he’s spent much of his professional and political career,” offered the group.
Yeah, yeah, gutter gutter.
But, they didn’t deny that the documents were true.
“Senator Meredith has yet to disavow the allegations. Instead, he claims memory lapse in this matter. He then attempts to pivot away from the substance of the allegations by condemning them as a ‘below the belt personal attack’ and ‘something I will not engage in….’ Sadly, Senator Meredith fails to acknowledge his last two campaigns, which were hallmarked by innuendo and thinly veiled character assassination of then Senator Margaret Dickson portraying her as a prostitute and a thief as well as the nonstop derogatory assault on Democratic candidate George Tatum.”
Prostitute! Thief!
Thou that pointeth the finger gets the finger pointeth back.
Now even the Republicans are asking him to step forward with the truth and all they hear is crickets.
Thanks to Larry for the heads up.