A Whole Generation

June 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he told Bill Moyers that he rejoiced in signing it but he feared that Democrats had given the south to Republicans for a generation.  He was right.

Turn about is fair play.  And it’s another Texan.

John Cornyn is demanding a poison pill to the immigration bill.

Cornyn’s RESULTS amendment forbids undocumented immigrants from obtaining permanent residency until four criteria are met: 100 percent surveillance of the southern border, a minimum 90 percent apprehension rate for illegal border crossings, an operational biometric ID system at air and sea ports, and implementation of E-Verify nationally. He says the measure is critical to ensuring border security.

Cornyn has no idea how we’re going to pay for that.  Texas is last in education and number of people covered by insurance, but we’ll be first at border control?  We have the money for that?

Harry Reid says he ain’t budging.  Yeah, I know he caves like a three dollar suitcase at the train station a lot, but if Reid stands firm on this, Cornyn will have delivered the border states to Democrats for a generation.

It ain’t really karma, though.  Lyndon’s bill included people to the process of democracy while Cornyn’s excludes them.

I would love to see John Cornyn kill the GOP in Texas.  There would be karma in that.

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0 Comments to “A Whole Generation”

  1. John Paffel says:

    Resolving the problem of the 11 or so million here illegally, many of whom have been here for a generation, and border security are two separate issues and should be dealt with as such. IMO requiring a non-porous border be in place before addressing the population here is tantamount to filibuster. It just ain’t realistic. Cornyn and Cruz are dopey on this one. Thery’re panderin’ to the wackobirds once again on this one.

  2. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Think we should thank that poor soul? Jury’s out on that one until Nov 2014. All a function of how many (R)obots the (R)epublicans can get to do their duty and vote for that idiot.

  3. Cornyn knows his amendment has no traction. He figures just throw some rotten red meat out to the Texas Tea Party munchkins every once in a while. Perhaps they will remember him come time for the primaries in which John is up for reelection.

  4. Juanita, you know that ain’t happenin’ here. There’s still too many yahoos who’ll vote R simply because he’s one of “our” folks lookin’ out for us, not caring a bit about the rest of us. (I remember when a similar creature, one Jesse Helms, won re-election despite losing every major city in North Carolina… all he needed was the poor crackers to vote for him, and they did.)

  5. 1toughlady says:

    This guy is such a maroon, he’s almost as bad as Ted. Can’t we recall these two nutbirds on grounds of irredeemable stupidity? Love Hugh Jass, though!

  6. Poor John! He got shot down time and again in the Senate Committee meetings on the immigration bill. That biometric stuff (like when they read your eyeballs, for gawdsake!) is already in some other bill and so is e-verify. He is spittin’ just for spittin’s sake just like Sessions, Grassley and Carnaval Cruz all of whom mistake a law for a legal lethal weapon. Tsk!Tsk!

  7. cairocat says:

    Charlie Pierce recently described acceptable border security for Cruz, Rubio & Co. as “…flaming moats of asbestos alligators…” but that was tame compared to Cornyn’s visions. Even IF (“…said the Wicked Stepmother with an evil smile…”) anyone could install systems like the ones Cornyn is salivating over today he’d just move the goal post again. And how in h**l would we ever know we’d achieved 90% apprehension rates? Does Cornyn think his quarry is going to give him shipping lists?

  8. maryelle says:

    Without the ten gallon hat and fringe jacket, Cornyn looks almost normal, and then he speaks and you’ve got brokemouth cowboy.

  9. Cornyn must be having a really, really bad evening. The Senate just voted 82 to 15 to proceed with debateon the floor of the Senate for the immigration bill. Cairocat, you are absolutely right! That “border security” song is something those totally un-hep cats have been howling for years and will still be howling even if the fence reaches all the way to the Pearlie Gates! As Bugs Bunny, that totally deep philospher, once said, “What maroon!”
