A Wall Eyed Snot Nosed Hissy Fit

September 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a very special place in hell for Martin Shkreli because he raised the price of a life saving drug from $13.50 to $750. a pill.

And although he is the son of Beelzebub, he’s not the real problem.

The real problem is that people like him can hold life saving drugs hostage from anyone who doesn’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Because freedom.

The problem is that health care should never have been subservient to capitalistic greed.

Don’t lecture me that the high prices of drugs pay for research.  That doesn’t happen. The high prices of drugs get stored in Swiss bank accounts.

America is no longer the leader in drug research.  I take six drugs for a progressive, fatal disease.  (No pity allowed. I’m whipping its butt.)  Of those 6 drugs, four were discovered in Europe.  In fact, I was buying one of the drugs over the counter in Mexico for a full year before it was approved by the FDA here.  It saved my life.

But here’s the part that makes Shkreli especially a turd.

Daraprim, known generically as pyrimethamine, is used mainly to treat toxoplasmosis, a parasite infection that can cause serious or even life-threatening problems for babies born to women who become infected during pregnancy, and also for people with compromised immune systems, like AIDS patients and certain cancer patients.

That truly is a death panel. Where’s the Republican outrage?

Shkreli says he’s trying to improve the drug.  Medical doctors say the drug doesn’t need improving.  It works if people can get it.


That’s a hissy fit.  Some little punk kid who screwed another company by siphoning off profits can letting people die because he can. We let him do that. We even encourage it.

Bernie Sanders is right.  We must nationalize health care.


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