A Thousand Words

May 05, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They say a picture is worth a thousand words …

This is the Baylor Women’s national champion basketball team at the White House. They seem … I dunno … meh.



And here’s their coach at Trump’s dinner honoring them.



Click on the above picture to see her face.  Two thousand words.


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0 Comments to “A Thousand Words”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    I suppose Trump’s trying to pretend he’s an average Joe – but I expect this is more an expression of contempt.

  2. Buttermilk Sky says:

    To be fair, the Clemson football team got the same lunch. Of course, that was during the shutdown. I wonder what the highly skilled professionals who work in the White House kitchen think about being asked to serve this crap.

    The woman in the orange dress looks like she just found a dead mouse on her plate.

  3. Catherine Riley says:

    I wish these women had refused to be “honored” by the twitwaffle and his offering of trash fake food to athletes. He has no respect for women at all, let alone women of color, let alone women of prowess. At least they all looked disgusted in the photos that were released and that is a statement of the squatter in the WH.

  4. Rump hasn’t served them chitlins’ and watermelon…yet.

  5. thatotherjean says:

    Ye gods. They’re supposed to be guests at the White House, and they get room-temperature fast food? They’re right to be disgusted. If they wanted a burger and fries, they could have gone to McDonald’s or Burger King and ordered one–at least then, it would be hot. Granted, it’s what Trump himself eats, but it still looks like contempt for his guests. No class at all.

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    I wonder what the WH kitchen staff actually does?

  7. The gastronomic equivalent of Trump’s appointments and nominations:

    …and when they’re announced I have the same expression on my face as the Baylor coach.

  8. No one could ever accuse Rump of having any class, any manners, or a brain.

    Room temperature food? We know what kinds of GI nastiness can happen after eating room temperature food.

  9. I read somewhere this visit occured because either the coach or athletic director is a big demented donnie fan and upon winning publicly trolled for invite in post game interviews.

  10. Come on now people, look just how much class he has demonstrated — the platters of “hamberders”and fillet o’fish are being presented on White House chafing dishes. And, by golly, they are even using actual plates, I do believe! And fresh flowers.

    One would think, in the interests of safety and all, that using a chafing dish to warm food wrapped in paper would not be a good idea. Would Blowhard Trump save the day by extinguishing any fires with all the hot air he blows? Would he run into a burning room without a fire extinguisher to save the day? Or, more likely, he would run (OK, waddle) away in the opposite direction from any “danger”.

  11. She’s using the wrong finger, and it should be pointing up.

  12. Brad in Dallas says:

    Well you know Baylor’s president until recently was Ken Starr, of Monicagate fame. So you can imagine how that meeting went, when the women’s basketball coach tried to tell Administration the girls didn’t really want to go. I’m sure her contract and an open flame came in close proximity.

  13. Sandridge says:

    What surprises me is that somebody running the Trump (Crime) Org, Eric or Jr, has missed a huge business opportunity.
    I thought that by now, the TCO would have opened a DC catering branch, named “Emoluments Catering” or whatever; located a few blocks from the WH. It would be another TCO grift division, like Mar-A-Pendejo and various other golf resorts, that have been raking in exorbitant charges to various US and foreign government ‘guests’.
    They could even pick up some of the official WH staff service routine meals, like RAT45’s berders and fries, incinerated ketchup-slathered steaks (urk), etc.

    A damned shame (/s), Emoluments Catering could be supplying sacks of $100 hamberders, $80 fried chicken, $40 drinks & shakes, and $15 fries to all sorts of WH visitors at these events (hell, they could be catering the nearby Rethug lege too). Even some $50 taco bowls (plus delivery chgs). And raking in a few hundred thou$and a quarter.
    Instead, all those fast food orders are going to the local hamberder joints, and the Trump Crime Family is letting all those (tax) dollars slip away from their greedy fingers.
    Or, maybe the TCO has already surreptitiously acquired ownership of all the local fast food joints???

  14. Lunargent says:

    It’s good that the flowers were there.
    Anyone wanting a salad, or any other vegetable, at least had a few blossoms to munch on; lilies aren’t poisonous, are they?

    This is so emblematic of the entire government at this stage. A beautiful, classic dining room, with competent staff standing around with nothing to do. And the disrespect shown young people, who incidentally are mostly people of color. Not even chairs, as far as I can see. Just meticulously arranged stacks of junk food. For athletes. Though I doubt it would be different, regardless of who the guests were. Trump has no concept of respect. Not for high-achieving young athletes. Not for the historic home where he resides, with all its beauty and traditions. Hell, he can’t even muster the respect that any host would show towards guests. Because vapid, heedless narcissism is now the New Normal.

    I wonder how much of that food was just wasted and thrown away. There was so much there. I’m sure a very nice sit-down meal could have been provided at the same cost.

  15. I can guaran-damn-tee you Coach Mulkey did not want to be there. But Waco? Texas Bible butt, er, belt. Ken Starr covering up male athletes’ sexual assaults. Of course they insisted the women go.

    In the photo notice all the white people gathered in the corner, ignoring their guests. White pigs.

  16. Hannah says:

    Dolt45’s excuse for fast food to the football team was the government shut down. So what’s his excuse this time?

  17. Triple his IQ and he gets closer to an average IQ!
