A Thousand Words

July 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Angela, Babe, we know exactly how you feel.

Thanks to Tony for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “A Thousand Words”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Chancellor Merkel hiding her combo mirth and stunned at Donnie’s st00pid is classic. Is that Steve Mnuchin in the right of the picture? He’s looks as if he just swallowed his first balut.

  2. We don’t even have to be curious about what it was Trump said. It’s always the next thing to come out of his mouth.

  3. Trump, “Did you see my yuge crowd size, bigger than Obama’s. And I’m the President, I got bigly more votes than Hillery. Everybody says so.”

    Merkel, “Please make it stop. Dear god just make it stop already.”

    Honey how do yo think we feel?

  4. Was this before or after the Ivanka sit – in? Ten to one if it was after, the Barking Yam was not even mentioning his AWOL or his daughter. Heck. Why should he. He’s damn president so everyone else anywhere else just suck it up.

  5. On this site you can see a quick video of Merkel giving an eyeroll as Putin is apparently trying to mansplain something to her: http://mindy-fischer-writer.com/2017/07/way-angela-merkel-responded-putin-today-priceless-video/

    And I’ve seen a photo of a very similar double-facepalm captioned, “I had to hold my brain in my skull so it didn’t run away from the stupidity of what you just said.” Probably what Merkel was thinking.

    Then there’s this: https://www.facebook.com/VerySilly/photos/a.154288488264428.1073741826.153869841639626/444012269292047/

  6. That Other Jean says:

    It doesn’t take much more than “Hello!” from Trump to bring on a splitting headache.

  7. Tilphousia says:

    Poor Angela! Good thing Bayer is a German company. She has lots of access to aspirin for trump induced headaches. At least the free world is in her capable hands.

  8. Maymoon says:

    Angela, so very sorry!

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Remember Dubya and his “axis of evil” fed to him by puppet master Darth Dickey, and maybe Krazy Kim or some other minor functionary might toss a tactical nuke our way? Oh, for the good old days. Lucky for us that the EU and NATO are too sensible to wish for another war. We can relax. Sort of. Chancellor Merkel, President Macron and Prime Minister Trudeau wish us no harm. When they take respite from their hysterical laughter at Dolt45, they pity us. Put away all those fears of ‘the Russians are coming,’ ‘Kim has a nuke,’ etc., etc., ad nauseum snacilbuper drumbeat. The enemy this time really is within:

    Fear not because the only thing we have to fear is Donnie himself, his scam dam^ family, the nutz orbiting him, and the snacilbupeR in Congress. Small comfort?

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie from the perspective of an Australian journalist: http://crooksandliars.com/2017/07/brutal-australian-journalist-sums-trumps

    Donnie as we at home know him best from a cartoonist’s perspective: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zheZ6PCQUTE/WWGzidHUSfI/AAAAAAAAR2k/TvAe3SqRMBgHo2QS2JkpZlWRXusYTZ4mQCLcBGAs/s1600/cartoon12-SiersK20170706_low.jpg

    Gack. What a maroon!

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Like parody? Enjoy musical humor? Randy Rainbow has Dolt45’s number. “Think Before He Tweets” – like that is gonna happen.


  12. “Duzen sollen wir schon? Menschens Kind!”

  13. maryelle says:

    It looks like he’s yelling at her. Can anyone give any insights into what was really going on here? He’s such a disgrace.

  14. maryelle, if he was yelling at Merkel, I’m sure she was able to handle it, considering the eyeroll she gave Putin.

  15. I wish Orange Whore was half as smart and decent as the Leader of the Free World but she ranks above him by Every Single Metric.
