A Taste of Trump

April 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Like everybody else, Juanita oh so hopes that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President of  these here United States of America.

“He’s got some dandy ideas,” Juanita grins.

“I did not know this,” she admits, “but he generously offered to build a big ole ballroom, with typical Trump understated taste and elegance, on the grounds of the White House.  Neon optional, I suspect.”

In an interview last week, Trump said —

“Listen, every time I see a function,” Trump said he told David Axelrod , then a senior adviser to President Obama, “you put up an old broken canvas tent,” probably rented from some overcharging local company.

“I will build you, free of charge, one of the great ballrooms of the world,” Trump said he told Axelrod, one that will “cost maybe $100 million” and be “attached to the White House.” (No determination on the size of the gold plaque thanking “The Donald” or where it would be affixed.)

“That sound you hear is Dolly Madison and Jacqueline Kennedy turning over in their graves,” Juanita assures us.  By the way, here’s some snapshots of the “tent” erected on the White House lawn for special events too large for the White House ballroom.  It’s not exactly your standard issue Bass Pro Shop dealie.

But that’s not all.

Donald Trump, according to David Axelrod shares this story —

Trump, now at the top of some polls on nominees for the GOP presidential candidate, “contacted me originally asking to be put in charge of the operation in the gulf to seal the oil leak.”

“I don’t know this for a fact,” Juanita admits, “But I suspect his solution would have involved his name in large letters rising up out of the ocean.  Or his hair.”

Juanita says she giggled every time she saw The Donald on teevee yesterday, saying how proud he was of himself over the birth certificate issue.

“Donald, Hon, the President just made a complete fool of you.  In my part of the country, that’s generally not a source of pride.”

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

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