A study in Economics

August 11, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

I have to admit, when I try to follow right wing logic my head hurts. The notorious MTG recently came on and tried to give all of us a lesson in global economics. I’m not following. Then again, I don’t have a degree in Economics. My degree was in Political Science with a minor in History. I did take some Economics classes, I took the certification exam in all of the Social Studies and made a 100 on the Economics portion of the test. I’ve taught high school Economics for a few years in my career. I like to think that I’m smarter than the average bear, but what in the heck do I know?

So, let me get this straight, we are supporting the war in Ukraine and that somehow is raising the price of grain world wide. Let’s take this slowly and think through this like we were in elementary school. Russia attacked Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, so they resisted this attack. They fought back. Are we good so far? Does anyone want to contest this before we move on? In the process of attacking Ukraine they managed to destroy a lot of the supply of grain in Ukraine. This is something countries do when they fight dirty. It makes it more likely that the attacked country will surrender if they are running low on supplies. Am I good so far?

So, essentially what MTG is arguing is that we shouldn’t support Ukraine. We should allow Russia to win. Maybe she could explain how this would help us with the cost of grain. She needs to game this out. She needs to explain this to us like we are five years old. I’m not that educated. I just have a masters degree, so I’m just spitballing here, but I assume she wants to support Russia. She knows most people don’t want to support Russia. She would be right on that account. So, if she came out and said that she wants to support Russia she would be roasted by everyone in the media. So, instead we are going to tell people that if we support Russia then cereal will be cheaper. Maybe that’s true. Maybe those supply chains would be rebuilt faster if Ukraine just surrendered. I’m guessing that’s not the case, but I reiterate that I’m not an expert on global economics.

What I do know is constitutional law. I know Congress controls the purse. I know they are the ones that decide how much money to give to Ukraine to help them against Russia. I’m struggling to see the connection between this and impeaching Joe Biden. Even if you were to say that Biden was solely responsible for the policy, you cannot impeach because you disagree on policy. You are free to make an argument against funding Ukraine. Again, I think most Americans support Ukraine in this conflict. So, instead we are going to say Biden should be impeached for um, well, er, ah, yeah, well you see, geez I’ll get back to you on that.

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0 Comments to “A study in Economics”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    There’s a lot of room in that head of hers, but brain cells don’t occupy the space. She has enough to make noise and have magat thoughts, which is the noise she makes, but nothing beyond that. I’m guessing the voters she attracts have the same characteristics. Come to think of it, there’s a lot of those characteristic in the hollow heads of congress, especially in the house of vengeance.
    I’m not going to say what I’m thinking now, because I’d be ridiculed here. Google dumb …… and the picture that pops up is MTG.

  2. Still waiting for the lethal weapons duel between MTG and Bobeart. I am damn sure its on both their calendars. They are just looking for the exactly right backdrop. Say, like an alley.

  3. I’m glad you explained what that dumb blonde was saying because I only heard sound bytes and when I listened again to all the words it was like being hit with about 5 incomplete thoughts at once that did little to “connect the dots”.

  4. You have to speak the language and as a recovering bigot I understand. It’s called Bigotry Speak and I heard MTG loud and clear and so did the right wing echo crowd.
    She said, “I hate Liberals! I hate Liberals! I hate Liberals!

    Bigotry, ‘Fear and hate of anyone who doesn’t look, think, act, or believe like you do.’

    Racial, political, religious, moral, and gender bigotry are just some of these dangerous human shortcomings. Gone unchecked it’s a horrific and contagious disease of the soul.

  5. RepubAnon says:

    So Ms Greene noticed that Putin’s current economic weapon against us is oil, so she wants to give him the further ability to wage economic warfare by giving him Ukraine. Got it.

  6. “Notorious RBG” was given that special nickname as a badge of admiration and honor and has that name forever. Not disgusting Greene who hasn’t got two brain cells to rub together.

  7. Ms Greene is rather late to the party. Cereal has ALWAYS been overpriced. Growing up we had oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat, and rice (it’s a Louisiana thing) with only the very occasional boxed stuff as a treat. Mom was financially opposed to empty calories before she knew there *was* such a thing as empty calories.

    Of course history, of any kind, is apparently not Ms Greene’s forte.

  8. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Please note – MTG is not a blonde, she’s just dyed that way…and not by anyone who knows what they’re doing, as Miss JJ can attest!

  9. lex, as a fellow recovering bigot, I know exactly what you’re saying.
    Let me just add this.
    She also said “Liberals hate you! And everything about you!
    Because they’re godless vermin that wanna stomp on your babies!”
    “But more importantly they wanna kick your door in and pry your gun from your cold dead hands.”
    Cause…. you know…… freedom.

  10. Nick Carraway says:

    Failed attempt at irony AK Lynne. What I do find interesting are all the contortions they use to basically say they are backing Putin.

  11. With MTG, everything comes down to a noun, a verb, and “impeach Joe Biden.”

  12. Exactly P.P. @ 9! Along with all that mountain of HATE she conveyed, Liberals are evil was included. And this is why they love Putin over America and Democracy, he hates the same things they do. Feel the Hate! Freedumb!

  13. Karen Hester says:

    Ukraine is a major producer and exporter of grains. Exports generally go by boats on the Black Sea and Russia has been interfering with their passage. This has reduced supply and put upward pressure on prices. However this is no reason to cheer for a Russian victory.

  14. Nick Carraway says:

    Which is ultimately the point Karen. I don’t think they really want to game this out. If you are in favor of Russia winning then that means you are either pro-Russia specifically or for whatever will keep prices lower. I think most adherents are in the second category but that still means that freedom and sovereignty of Ukraine is not as important as saving a dollar or two on groceries. That’s extremely selfish and while I have no doubt that many would think that way, I refuse to think it’s a majority.

  15. When it comes to impeaching Biden (and most other things the Trumpistas want to do) any excuse is better than none. And if you don’t have one, make one up, because a made-up one is still better than none.

  16. So does that mean grain prices for U. S. farmers is higher this year or not. Just curious. Pretty sure the family farm ain’t seeing any pluses.

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    MTG is an expert in nothing. She’s too stuuppidd to research a subject before she opens her mouth, plus that might lead to saying something her voters don’t want to hear. According to the USDA, there are ample supplies of wheat grain in the US. Blaming Joe Biden and Hunter is so easy. The actual cause of high prices is really a function of a pandemic that was allowed to spread by an administration that failed to act quickly. We’re still paying that price.

  18. Nick Carraway says:

    Obviously, anyone watching Newsmax is in the same boat as her. So, her lack of rigor doesn’t negatively impact her message. Most people watching that network see impeachment as a grand national recall. Concepts like global economics fly right past them.

    The sad thing is that people really are hurting. Inflation really is a thing and it hits different goods differently. Grain might be more expensive relative to other goods where the supply chain issues haven’t hit quite as hard. Certainly the war has some impact on that, but I tend to agree that it is mostly pandemic related. The hardest political lesson for people to learn is that sometimes these things happen as a result of political decisions people make and sometimes they just happen. We don’t deliver ice or milk door to door anymore. Politicians didn’t create that situation. It just became an economic reality. The question is not whether or not to blame a political party but how each political party aims to get us through our new reality. The same is true here.

  19. I believe this video is of MTG about 10 years ago and before she dyed her hair blonde.

  20. Deb B. in Alabama says:

    Aren’t Republicans the party that is trying to eliminate free school lunches?

  21. Poor MTG, the poster child for the old saying…”you can’t cure stupid!”

  22. The high price of cereal grains is the unlimited (hysterical) demand for ethanol.

    Basic Economics is the simplest definition to remember from collich. Economics is the study and allocation of limited (scarce) resources to unlimited (hysterical) demands.

    If greenejeans wasn’t running her mouth but engaging her mind, she would have something better to do than try to run a government. Governments are for smart people to operate.

  23. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Jonathan, there’s a lot of stuuppidd in congress right now. She’s one of many.
