A Special Request: Pitch In

September 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We are having a special election in Texas for a State House seat vacated by a Republican who thought he might have problems winning again.  He was part of Texodus – Republican incumbents dropping like flies.

The special election is Tuesday, November 5th.  In Texas, a special election is a free for all – everybody runs and it’s winner take all. If nobody wins with 50% plus one, there will be a run-off between the top two vote getters.

Republicans are running six candidates. Six. In political science terms that’s officially referred to as a crap shoot. The sole Democratic candidate is Eliz Markowitz.  Yeah, yeah, it’s hard to believe that Democrats got our act together and fielded only one candidate so that the Democratic vote isn’t split six ways to hell and back.

I know Eliz personally and I am asking you to toss a few dollars her way.  She’s smart as the dickens and has all the right bright ideas. She’s hardworking and willing to do her part.  She’ll make you proud.

This is a flippable district and will give the winner a leg-up on the 2020 election.  Texas redistricting happens every ten years and 2020 is the year.  So, we have a real chance in this seat but she needs money now to get the vote out.  Send her some damn money.

Then email her with your best wishes and to let her know that you’re not some weirdo in Montana stalking her.  Eliz@Eliz4TX.com


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