A Snot Nosed Wall Eyed Hissy Fit Thrown Right Here

May 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Zerwas is one of four state representatives from my county.  I am ready to admit that he’s only a 4 on the Crazy-Mean-Hateful Republican scale.  I mean, we do have one who sponsored a hate-the-gays bill whose son is a leading HIV advocate in Houston and a proud gay man, so the bar is set pretty high.

ZerwasBut Zerwas pulled a stunt worthy of making me want to go to the state capitol and run circles around him yelling, “Are you nuts?  Are you nuts?  John, are you nuts?”  I did that once before to another state rep who promptly got sick and had to retire.  I jokingly got the blame for his illness.  If that were true, there would be a lot more sick state reps.

Two things:  The Lege wants to hold a special election to cut tax rates which will mean $125 a year for most folks.  The other thing: John Zerwas is not a veteran.  Here’s how those two things meet and shake hands.

The Texas lege meets for 140 days every two years, which is about 139 days too much.  Since the session is coming to a close, they will meet on Memorial Day.

John Zerwas wrote a bill that would dramatically cut education benefits for Texas veterans.  It came to the floor the day before Memorial Day.  Holy cow, man.  Just holy cow.  Are you nuts?  You didn’t see this coming?  You’re going to cut veterans benefits on Memorial Day?

Zerwas says we cannot afford to continue to pay these benefits.  Oh yeah, but we can afford to fight abortion and marriage equality to the Supreme Court, which is very, very expensive.

I do not need to lecture anybody about veteran educational benefits pulling us out of the depression and giving us an educated America.  But since Zerwas has never served in the military, nor have any of his sons, he doesn’t know that we pay our military squat and we send them into harm’s way. Some will never come back and their children deserve those educational benefits.

Most kids enlist in the military solely for the educational benefits.  You gotta admire and be in awe of that, not undercut it.  They are willing to risk their lives for an education.  Hell, I’d double their benefits because I know it will pay off in the future with productive tax-paying educated members of society.

The bill got pulled because even some Republicans realize that messing with veterans just ain’t right.

John, you screwed up royally.  On Memorial Day.  Shame on you.  Go find a veteran and apologize.


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