A Real Timer Saver

December 21, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In that Republicans believe every race they lose is faked, stolen, or undocumented, but every election they win is dandy, they finally came across a slogan that covers all the bases.

In Texas, they will just go ahead 11 month in advance of the election, and declare which districts they won.


Bianca Garcia runs for office a lot, but has decided on Texas Senate District 11 this cycle.  She has claims she cannot wear a mask because she has “a breathing problem.”

Other than that, she is pretty much QAnon central. She’s running on a three-part platform: faith, family, and freedom. And she says that it’s such a winning message that she has, in fact, already won despite opposition from “the establishment and the RNC itself.”

Damn, she makes  it look easy, don’t she?


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0 Comments to “A Real Timer Saver”

  1. Lol they are so bigoted and insanely predictable. I said 10years ago it was only a matter of time before Republicans made it illegal for Democrats to vote.

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  2. There’s certainly no election fraud in claiming victory without a vote being cast, right?

    If she’s solved her breathing problem by not wearing a mask she might want to put her brain pan to work on some other obvious challenges that could use her immediate attention.

  3. She is a LIAR by omission and her idiot base are too st00pid to know much. she is for faith because they are mostly dim enough to believe her, for family the way all rePUKEians are…meaning who cares and when they get sick the family should be rich or die, and freedom to a rePUKEian mean freedom for the rich and minimum wage slave for all others.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    OK, I’m just going to say it. What is the message from trumpf and his white supremacists that resonates with a Latino or for that matter, other minorities? I just don’t get it.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    What a Qcumber! Breathing problems with a mask? Wait until she’s on a vent with her own covid mucus clogging her lungs.

    Steve @4, she’s the standard QOP “I got mine, so screw you” prototype. Consider the many athletes with that same attitude.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    In many cases, like “athletes”, it’s the tough guy image and thinking their money might be taxed by by those lib socialists. For others, I still don’t get it.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    The 2022 elections is going to be bad, but nothing like 2024.

  8. john in denver says:

    Steve from Beaverton —

    I grew up in New Mexico and learned about variations in “the Hispanics” pretty early on. When I first started following politics, my US Rep was Manuel Lujan, Jr. — a Republican who served 10 terms, winning his first election in 1968.

    Republican / Trumpist appeals that resonate and draw support from some portions of the “Latino” community include the socially conservative positions that “fit” into a conservative Catholic world view; the “low tax” claims that draw many small business owners and their families; the foreign policy and military positions of an “exceptional” America [especially in opposition to Latin American socialists & communists]; and some join right in with prejudice about “them” — people with darker skins and those “not from around here” and “they don’t even speak English” — and anyone who doesn’t follow the legal processes to become a legal resident and eventually a naturalized citizen.

  9. Well, without a mask, ……………..

  10. e platypus onion says:

    like a toad, she breathes through her skin. Mud mask is okay. Mud body mask could be problematic.

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    John in Denver: excellent summary. There’s also many nuances among immigrants in general (e.g., coming from a “pioneer”, “founder”, or “follow-on” migration wave), but Latinos have yet another category: “been here for 200 years before any Anglos showed up”.

    As for Bianca Garcia, I don’t see why these T****oids have trouble breathing. It’s not like there’s much oxygen on the planet they come from.

    Since my in-laws are about to descend upon me for Christmas, I’ll take the opportunity now to give everyone here my traditional season’s greeting: Bah! Humbug!

  12. Professor, I have a tee shirt that my daughters gave me with the mathematical formula for the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.
    Has anyone taken the time to establish something similar for the ratio of surliness to length of time spent in close proximity to in-laws?

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    O.K., I gotta confess. I’m not really surly. The title comes from when a group of my grad students was discussing old (like Medieval) scholastic names, and Fulk the Surly came up. I pointed out that he was a real nasty customer – look him up if you don’t believe me – and one student said that I had to take on the name or they’d find something even more insulting. I responded “That’s *Professor* Surly, mind you!”, and … well it became my title from then on.

    I won’t tell you the nickname I was “assigned” when I worked as a crane operator in a steel mill. It’s not suitable for children or normal people to hear – which means it was a typical one for the setting.

  14. Wow, these Qcumbers really keep shrinks and psychologists busy writing papers for various professional journals!

  15. Surly Professor,
    Thank you for the history behind Fulk the Surly. It made my morning. If Trump has time to marry two more wives he’d be a worthy successor as Trump the Surly, a name well deserved and not as the inevitable end to a student-teacher discussion.

    If you weren’t The Surly Professor but rather The Professor, we might also think you were writing from Gilligan’s Island. Which could be another step down.

  16. TrulyTexan says:

    Over here in Uvalde County area we have Alma Arredondo-Lynch. A real piece of Qpublican trash. If anyone has pull out this way, please help keep her out of office. She is truly dangerous.
