A Plan

April 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita thinks we should parachute Rev. Terry Jones into the heart of Afghanistan buck nakkid with “The Quran Stinks” tattooed on his butt and a “Where Are The Wild Women?” party hat.

Jones is the Florida yahoo who threatened to burn Qurans on September 11th.  After he quit getting headlines about it, he went ahead with his plans last month.

After a six-hour trial on Sunday that featured a Christian convert from Islam as a prosecuting attorney and a Dallas imam as a defense lawyer, a jury of 12 church members and volunteers made the judgment, Jones said.

He said the punishment — burning the book after it had been soaked in kerosene for an hour — was determined from four choices on his organization’s Facebook page. He said “several hundred” were polled and voted for burning over shredding, drowning and facing a firing squad.

“Okay,” Juanita asks, “can we get those choices for Jones?  If not, how about shredding, laughing at, or – the worst punishment for him of all – a media blackout?”

So, USA Today gave Jones the attention he so desperately wants and the result was predictable.

KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan officials say eight people were killed at a United Nations office in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif when a protest turned violent in response to a reported Quran-burning in the United States. At least two of those killed were beheaded, Reuters reported.

You know, there has got to be a real special place in hell for Jones.

People willing to let innocents suffer for their beliefs are evil.  That’s all there is to it.

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