A New Word From Scott K

January 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m leaving Scott’s email exactly as is because nobody could improve on it.  Not even Hemingway.


NBC News tonight reported on the mudslinging ads the Republicans are airing against each other in South Carolina. Newt Gingrich, they reported, whined that a pro-Romney superPAC ad run against him had been awarded 3 Pinocchios for falsehood by the Washington Post’s fact-checkers. NBC pointed out that the Post’s same fact checkers had meanwhile awarded one of Newt’s ads 4 Pinnochios for being even less truthful.

This episode demands coining a new word:

Newtzpah, (n.)- the superlative of utterly unmitigated gall.


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