A New Record

August 11, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Trump hit a new milestone yesterday, which is still climbing at a rapid pace – he’s now spent 50 days on vacation at his golf resorts in 202 days of infesting the White House.  That’s 25% of his time playing golf and hanging out with sycophants. Let’s compare the vacation records of recent presidents:

Barack Obama – 217 vacation days – 7%

George W. Bush – 553 vacation days – 19%

So – The Tweeter in Chief who now holds the record for percent of time on vacation since they started keeping track relentlessly hounded President Obama about golf and vacations while lying that he would never have time for golf.  He’s now on record pace as the laziest president in US history as well as the biggest liar.

For the record, the next closest to Trump for vacation time was FDR at 22%.  Of course, that was 7 decades ago when travel wasn’t so easy.


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