A Modest Suggestion From John

August 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “A Modest Suggestion From John”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Alas, it seems unlikely that Sweden would accept such highly dangerous toxic waste.

  2. Can we just send them the whole Republican House of Representatives???

    And the Governors of Texas, Maine, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Louisiana, Alabama…

    Do I need to go on?

  3. William Watson says:

    I’d bet Sweden wouldn’t take them, even if they came with a service fee.

  4. I thought one of the requirements is that the waste has to be biodegradable. And we know Rick Perry’s hair is clearly capable of surviving a nuclear explosion…

  5. Miemaw, you left out Oklahoma’s governor

  6. Bud Malone says:

    3 parts ass and a whole bunch of dumb.

  7. Miemaw and Susie….

    Can’t leave out the Haslam(s) from Tennessee!

  8. @Miemaw,

    If we did that, I think Sweden would be justified in feeling that we had declared war on them.

  9. RepubAnon, that was my first thought.

  10. Sam in Kyle says:

    I think they can differentiate between waste and sewage.

  11. Be still my heart! Add Congresscritter Ribble to the usual suspects!

  12. Phoenix Justice could be right, but maybe Sweden could be persuaded by the fact that these three (and MANY others) are a renewable resource — not only are they garbage, but they continue to spew more garbage every day. Still don’t know how we could spin the toxic part, but there’s gotta be a way.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Give us time. We’ll think of something.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    OKAY! I got it! We send these three to Sweden with the stipulation that their comments have to be printed out on recycled/recyclable paper and use THAT for fuel.

  15. Corinne Sabo says:

    I have friends in Seden who are not used to the insanity those 3 exhibit daily.

  16. Katie Johnsonius says:

    Why didn’t I move to Sweden many years ago, when I had the opportunity? Because my sweetheart there said that life was so much better and cheaper here. Ya THINK??

    Now I am too damned old to learn their bizarre language, or to make that big a change, even if it were an English-speaking nation, (which it largely is). Plus, it’s COLD.

    But it is one of the nations that I truly admire, and with this report, I admire it even more. Thanks, JJ!

  17. RepubAnon says:

    Marge, have you not wondered why all Republican press releases are printed on soft, 2-ply, pleasantly-scented paper? It’s because of the typical contents…

  18. Marge Wood says:

    I never thought of that–such nice soft paper used for press releases. And Katie, if you’d gone and moved to Sweden we never would have met you.

  19. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    What the heck did Sweden ever do to us that we would wish these idiots on them? Garbage they are but frankly useless as fuel unless you count hot air.

    Hippie in the Hollar

  20. Katie Johnsonius, yup! You are right on! In Sweden when someone breaks the law and is arrested they are not just told something like we do in this country with Miranda Rights but exactly what part of the Swedish Constitution they violated. Swedes take their Constitution just that seriously! And they also have healthcare for everyone! Good country, that!

  21. mike from iowa says:

    Rumour has it that “that” brand of Texas waste is so wasted it has no redeeming value and therefore can’t be recycled.

  22. mike from iowa says:

    If memory serves,Sweden like Switzerland is neutral. No wars,no aggression so the next rwnj Potus has probably already listed them as a threat.

  23. CerealCitySue says:

    My half-Swedish grandmother, who grew up on her mother’s chicken farm would be so proud. One of my most frightening childhood memories is of complaining about a sandwich & being told, “there’s nothing wrong with a chicken-skin sandwich! It tastes just like chicken salad, with the mayonnaise.” Nothing went to waste in her kitchen. (Actually, she was quite a good cook. And I got only one chicken-skin sandwich. That I know of.)

  24. gabberflasted says:

    Can’t you imagine the energy that is contained in the fat of the heads of these cretins?

  25. mike from iowa says:

    Perry is a walking oil slick. He can’t get near the Gulf for fear of contamination to your coast.

  26. Ellen Childress says:

    If all of the news about Sweden’s recycling success is true, I would like to have someone from that country explain recycling to the City of Dallas where plastic bags, styrofoam, cloth and leather products cannot be placed in the recycle bins for the City’s recycling service to pick up. All of that goes to the landfill.
    As for Gomert, Cruz and Perry, let them eat cake, grow fat and lazy, and die of old age in one of those human recycling centers we call nursing homes. They are no longer even worthy of a laugh.

  27. Sweden wants garbage, not toxic waste.

  28. Michael in Sweden says:

    To tell the truth I don’t believe our incinerator in Sävenäs, on the west coast near Gothenburg, can handle such toxic waste. They would overload the filtering system.

  29. Why would any country want to recycle Cruz, Perry or Gohmert?
