A Meeting Of The Minds or Lack Thereof
Well, if they only let grumpy old white people vote, Rand Paul is a shoe-in. Honey, he has that group getting out their walkers and leaving home to go see him, even if it means the neighborhood kids might walk across their lawn.
Paul went to Nevada and met with a guy who owes us about a million dollars – Cliven Bundy.
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul met with southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy on Monday during a question-and-answer session in the town of Mesquite with about 50 supporters and activists interested in land rights.
The Kentucky senator stopped at casino resorts and ballrooms Monday as part of his “Stand with Rand” tour, looking to win over small-government Republicans he believes are key to a successful result in Nevada’s February presidential caucus.
Oh sure, it’s easy to support Rand Paul for president if you want the federal government to fail because he’ll sure the hell do that. He’s the candidate for people who aren’t big on the United part of United States.
The big question seems to be whether or not his constituency will live long enough to vote in November, 2016.
Thanks to Elizabeth for the heads up.