A Lot of Capitol Hill Insurrectionists are on Their Own after Lawyer Hospitalized with COVID

August 30, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Anti-Vaxxers, Insurrection, Trump

John Pierce is an attorney and defender of RWNJs, including 17 Capitol Hill insurrectionists, the Kenosha Wisconsin shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, and…wait for it…Rudy Giuliani.  He disappeared last week, and an associate from his law firm, the so called National Constitutional Law Union, lied to one judge that he’d been in an accident and then admitted to another judge that Pierce is hospitalized for COVID, on a ventilator, and unresponsive.  Pierce is well known as an advocate of right wing weirdos, has denigrated vaccines and protested against masking and social distancing.

Yet another rightwing weirdo is felled by his/her own stupidity.  This time, though, a lot of guys who also bought into The Big Lie are also unrepresented in federal court on charges related to the insurrection on January 6th.

Irony or Karma.  The answer to both inquiries is YES.

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0 Comments to “A Lot of Capitol Hill Insurrectionists are on Their Own after Lawyer Hospitalized with COVID”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m starting to think that by the time 2022 elections roll around, there won’t be many GOPers to vote for their candidates – they’ll either be in jail on felonies or pushing up daisies.

  2. john in denver says:

    Don’t lawyers get in trouble for telling two judges different things about their colleague’s reason for not being present? Or is that such a minor matter that nobody cares….

  3. Lawyers who lie to judges (if they get caught, and this guy seems to have been) are in big trouble. In addition to whatever fines for contempt they get, they can also get disbarred. Meaning their career as a lawyer is effectively over.

    Making a voluntary career change is one thing. Having it rammed down your throat, even if by your own stupid action, is quite another. And it seems to be happening to a lot of RWNJ attorneys this year.

  4. Has anybody heard of NEWSWISE?
    I never have before about an hour ago.
    Apparently it’s affiliated with The Guardian??

  5. @Grandma I wish I could believe that. But no matter how many there are there always seems to be more to replace them.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    wjca: apparently the droid who stood in for Pierce is not a lawyer but some sort of a paralegal at most. He may be in trouble for representing himself as a licensed attorney, but probably not for “misrepresentations” to judges. He can claim he was told it was an accident before facing the first judge, then he was later told it was the Trump Plague before facing the second one.

    With Pierce on a ventilator, we’ve probably seen the last of him in court. I’m sure Liberty University has lots of nice fresh-faced youngsters who would love to step in a represent the insurrectionists. Especially since LU itself is shut down. Apparently being a holy and religous institution doesn’t protect against disease the way it used to …

  7. G Foresight says:

    RE #4:

    “NewsWise is a free, cross-curricular news literacy project for 7-to-11-year-olds across the UK. It helps teachers empower their Key Stage 2 pupils to understand, critically navigate and report real news.”


  8. Sending thoughts and prayers to Mr. Pierce…

  9. G Foresight says:

    RE: Irony and /or Karma, there is a Subreddit “That Collects COVID-19 Deniers Who Then Suffer the Worst.”

    One mind-sizzling thing about this subreddit discussion are the screenshots of the disinformation memes that bombard these people 24/7. No wonder they “believe” the disinformation.

    Here is an excerpt from an article about the Subreddit and examples of the postings, as well as the link.

    >>Again and again and again throughout the entries…we see the same patterns. Someone has spent months sharing Facebook memes and status updates about medical “freedom,” not being a vaccine “lab rat,” conspiracies about the vaccine, relentlessly mocking apparent go-to boogeyman Dr. Fauci, the disparagement of masks and mask mandates, and more.

    Alongside these screenshots, there are then follow-up posts from the same people or their family members reporting that they are now in serious condition in the hospital with COVID-19 and usually asking for prayers and “prayer warriors.” More often than not, there’s an additional post reporting that the COVID-19 denier and/or anti-masker/anti-vaxxer has died.<<


  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Another one (anti science right wing nut job) may be biting the dust but I’m afraid all this will do is delay proceedings for every criminal he lies for. This Jan 6 insurrection stuff will be going on in the heat of 2022 elections and will likely serve as red meat for repugnanticans.

  11. My “I don’t care” button is worn out

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    If you want to really wallow in the schadenfreude, there’s a website devoted to the dead and dying pro-plague folks:


    It looks like it’s mostly one person gleaning from Facebook. But even for a nasty cynical person like myself, it is too depressing to go through for long.

    And if NewsWise is for 7-11 year olds, it’s probably too high-brow and intellectual for most of the covidiots. Recently I read a report that said 50% of American adults are unable to read at the 8-th grade level. Unfortunately those are the ones who post the most on Facebook, apparently.

  13. T’s and P’s…

  14. I wonder why the insurrectionists haven’t hired the crazy Kracken lady lawyer or Lin Woods. Oh, wait, they’ve both been referred for disbarment by a federal judge in Michigan and Rudy is no longer available. What’s a God fearin’ gun totin’ bleach drinkin’ RWNJ to do?
