A Lesson Learned

February 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As most of you have heard by now, most experts believe that Karen Handel’s decision to dump Planned Parenthood from the Susan G. Komen Foundation has been seen as the complete destruction of all the hard work done to get the Komen Foundation a recognized and respected organization.  Overnight.  Ka-boom.

AmericaBlog has a re-tweet of Handel’s that explains a lot.

Excuse me, JadeMorey, if that is your real name, but you folks built the bomb, put the timer on it, and left the building.  You didn’t even have the courage to admit that was what you were doing.  Get yourself a mirror, woman.  And I am delighted that Handel re-tweeted it.  It’s just more evidence that she brought the fertilizer for the bomb.

All I can say is that Republicans have a habit of ruining everything they touch.  Do NOT let them near social security.   Oh hell, don’t let them near anything.

Thanks to Paul for the heads-up.

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