A Hunk of Friday Toons

August 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized




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0 Comments to “A Hunk of Friday Toons”

  1. Aggieland liz says:

    The second cartoon is out, it’s just not being widely reported:


    Francis stated that it is time for the Church to re-examine the role of women, because, after all, Mary is more important than the apostles. (!!!) The article is interesting, and encouraging to me. Our ship has been sailing in the wrong direction since John XXIII died, so it’s about time someone got out the compass again!

    As for the press, all you lovely Austinites will remember a Mr Berke Breathed, who wrote “Bloom County?” I always thought his portrayal of the press as a bunch of barking idiots chasing the next scandal was a little harsh. Turns out the man was a prophet, and I just wasn’t old enough to know any better. Of course, ever since Watergate, newspeople have been just rabid about uncovering something huge like that story, and if the facts don’t fit, some of ’em go so far as to pen some very good fiction!

  2. i realy miss berke breathed!!

  3. Marge Wood says:

    re: facts, like I used to tell our kids, just tell folks the truth, otherwise they’ll make up something worse. I was forgetting that folks just love to embroider on the truth.

    Learn one new thing, ask twenty new questions. And due to my reminder in this morning’s mail that being a peacemaker includes NOT being hateful, I am asking y’all: how can we make fun of legislators and not be hateful? I am serious. We don’t want to be part of the cause of the next uncivil war.

    Also, new topic, how can I get rid of rats without endangering my cats?

  4. Marge — Fortunately getting rid of the rats in your house may be easier than getting rid of the rats in Congress (the opposite of “Progress”): http://www.ehow.com/how_6370262_rid-rats-pet-safe-way.html

  5. Marge Wood says:

    I do recall saying rats are kind of like GOP: once you get them on the property they’re almost impossible to get rid of.
