A Gentle Reminder to the Butthead We Have for Governor

March 29, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita has come to the conclusion that Texas Republican Rick Perry is telling Texans to walk it off.

Lost your job?  Walk it off, you wussy.

Kids sick?  Big deal.  They weren’t particularly attractive kids anyway.  Make another one.

Rick Perry is refusing to dip into the Rainy Day Fund for teachers, children’s medical care or granny’s nursing home.  He says we need to save that money in case of a big, giant natural disaster.  Just like the one that happened before where his campaign donors needed their money back.

And while Perry is adamantly against using the fund for schools or medical care this year, in 2003 he persuaded the Legislature to allocate $295 million for his Texas Enterprise Fund and in 2005 another $100 million for his Emerging Technology Funds.

He has used both to subsidize business start-ups for major campaign contributors.

“Yeah, Rick,” Juanita says, “We know your definition of natural disaster.  It involves your buddies running out of beer on game day.”

Juanita just wants to remind you what’s on the line here.  Rick Perry and his pals have raped Texas and left Little Johnny and Grandma in the dumpster.

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