A Coupla Things

September 30, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I watched the Lt. Gov debate last night with a headquarters full of people.  Admittedly, they were my kind of people and not wacky radicals.  They were eating tamales and drinking cheap wine and that’s how you know that they are my kind of people.

Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 10.08.35 AMFirst off, Dan Patrick called Wendy Davis an “anarchist.”  Actually, he called me an anarchist, along with any other person who stands with Wendy Davis.  That’s kinda weird considering that he thinks the problem with Democrats is that they want too much government.  Bubba thinks that Dan misspoke and meant to say antichrist.  That well could be.

Second off, why would he never call Leticia Van De Putte by name?  How come he only referred to Leticia as “she” or “her?”  It was getting on everyone’s nerves and oh so disrespectful.  I think I may have an answer.  He can’t pronounce her name.  If he says “La-Tesha,” that’s incorrect and Hispanics will laugh at him.  If he says “La-Tee-See-Uh,” which is correct, his base will claim he’s speaking that Mexican crapola.  So, he can either call her she or call it quits.

Third off, I remain stunned and mad as all get-out this morning at Patrick’s offer of proof that Republicans do not have a war on women.  His only example of proof was “one way you respect women is to protect little girls in the womb.”  So, Republicans respect women only if they are fetuses.  How weird is that?  Of course, women in the womb don’t ask for equal pay or health care, so there’s that.

So tonight is the second and last Wendy Davis / Greg Abbott debate.  It’s at 8:00.  You can live stream at The Texas Tribune.



Graphic by John Kwitkoski.

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0 Comments to “A Coupla Things”

  1. Not at all surprised at his behavior. Not one bit.

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Now I understand why parents want to make a video of their child’s birth. The want to capture that special moment when their daughter loses her rights.

  3. “Anarchist” is one of those GOP buzzwords– they just throw it around without knowing what it actually means. Maybe “socialist” (along with “Kenyan”) is starting to get old, and they can’t use “commie pinko” as effectively as they used to.

    Still snickering over that big sign on a car: “Obama is the Antchrist.”

  4. Love the picture.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Abbott’s chair should be equipped with a D-ring for rapid ejection.


  6. Juanita Jean says:

    PDiddle – that’s our own John Kwitkoski again. He’s on a roll.

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Proper manners requires one to use the name of a person when you refer to them in your presence.

    One of the basic rules of professionalism is to use a person’s name throughout a discussion.

    Dan Patrick confirmed he has neither good manners nor professionalism.

    (and if I screwed up the grammar here, sorry!)

  8. Hey, Lorraine, you spelled everything correcrtly and punctuated it correctly and I kinda think you got to the point.

  9. If right-wingers do actually own a A) dictionary, B) a Bible and/or C) a copy of the Constitution, they apparently use them solely as paperweights.

    They have found that by not actually reading any of these three documents they can simply make up stuff instead and claim it’s in there.

  10. McCain referred to Obama as “that one” (pointing) during their debate, but most of us weren’t sure if he was being rude or, you know, kinda old. This one doesn’t seem to have that second excuse.

  11. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Thanks Marge! Been a loooooong time since I read a manners or grammar book, but I remember a few rules!

    Unlike Dan Patrick.

  12. crankypants says:

    Dan Patrick is one homely man!

  13. Did he explain how denying women prenatal care is protecting the little girls in their mother’s womb?

  14. Every time I see Dan Patrick’s photo, I think of that deposition he gave during one of his lawsuits, when he was asked about the night in 1987 in Houston when Paul Harasim beat the crap out of him for insulting Harasim’s wife. Harasim knocked Patrick to the ground, and was still going after him. In the deposition, Patrick is quoted as saying:

    “Yeah, well, he had pushed me back up against the car and down. And I was down like this. And I could see, but I was looking this way. And that eye was full of blood because I couldn’t see that well. But he was standing there going berserk. And his wife is screaming and yelling at him and trying to grab him around his waist getting him to stop.”

    Q: What was his wife saying?

    D.P.: “Paul, stop. Let’s get out of here.”

    Q: What was he saying?

    D.P.: “I’m gonna kick your ass all the way to Dallas”, something like that.

    Fingers crossed that Leticia kicks Dannie Scott all the way back to East Baltimore.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    You remember what happened when a wingnut leaning fetus was born to Democrat Chelsea? No mo’ wingnut pertection for you newborn fetus.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Great one,Ralph! Comment of the day.

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    This woman has been out of the womb for quite a while. No wonder I’m a Democrat.

  18. @Timbo: Greatness! and this, from the Statesman, Posted: 2:19 p.m. Friday, May 16, 2014, quoting Texas Monthly
    “In her Texas Monthly piece, Swartz summarized the case thusly:
    In the criminal trial, Patrick solidified his reputation as an overly emotional crackpot. “Are you in balance today?” Harasim’s lawyer, Richard “Racehorse” Haynes, asked him on the witness stand, and Patrick promptly turned red-faced and started screaming at him. The jury found Harasim not guilty. Patrick’s libel suit was dismissed with prejudice in 1993.”

  19. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I think he said something like he was protecting women’s rights by not allowing the killing of little girls in the womb.

    Which made both my friend and myself wonder if it was all right with him to kill little boys in the womb.


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