A Case of Probable Cause?

September 22, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Said TFG to Hannity on national(ist) TV:

“If you’re the President of the United States you can declassify just by saying ‘it’s declassified’ even by thinking about it because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago or to whoever you’re sending it and there doesn’t have to be a process.”

Do you see what he did there? Everywhere else (except on nationalist TV) the buzz is that in this moment TFG admitted to sending government documents to Mar-a-Lago, which were not-so-coincidently discovered right there in Mar-a-Lago by an FBI search last month.

Nowadays the question has become is Mar-a-Lago the only place he has government documents?

We would need another FBI search of, say, Bedminster, to find out. But to do that, they would need probable cause which is what they laid out in their Mar-a-Lago affidavit. Strong evidence of a crime, not just probable cause.

I’ll make a probable cause case. It’s thin, but he undeniably said on video “…because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago or to whoever you’re sending it”.

“…or to whoever you’re sending it.” What did he mean by that? Did he realize when he said “Mar-a-Lago” that he had spilled the beans and tried to cover himself essentially by saying “or anywhere else”? That was an awkward addition marked by an odd pronunciation of “whoever”.

Or did he keep informing on himself and that there could be government documents  anywhere under his control?

As I said, thin.

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