A 100 Watt Bad Idea

July 15, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, so the people opposed to the energy efficient light bulbs have won.  They are probably celebrating in the dark tonight because they are too damn cheap to turn on lights.

So, they will continue to use 100 watt light bulbs that cost you the same fair price as picture show popcorn to operate and burn out so often that you have to keep a ladder in the house replacing those suckers.

I think any Congressvarmint who voted for this goofy thing should be barred from every buying the energy efficient bulbs for life.  Eventually, they’ll fall off the ladder, break their butts, and then I’ll be happy.

But, here’s the part that makes me giggle —

“If a manufacturer should choose to continue to make 100-watt bulbs, they would be permitted under this language, as there is clearly a market based on the thousands of consumers who have contacted Congress upset about their inability to buy 100-watt lightbulbs,” Burgess said. “This is about the consumer driving the market, not the federal government deciding the market.”

Thousands of consumers have contacted congress about legalizing marijuana but the same guys who voted against regulating light bulbs do a 180 degree philosophical sashay on that whole federal government deciding the market thingy when it comes to that.  There’s obviously a market for pornography, but, hell, y’all regulate the hell out of it.

I think we ought to regulate grandstanding.  That’s what I think.

Thanks to Big Mike for the heads up.

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