Betty Krusiewicz, Bless Her Heart
Wayne Slater is one of the smartest political writers in Texas. Today he has a column that Rick Perry is doubling down on his crazy views about social security, climate change, and evolution as the campaign hits Florida.
The good folks of Florida seem to be of the opinion that it’s better to be tough and wrong than right and thoughtful. The sound of neurons synapsing scares crap outta them, but they understand hollering real good.
Example: Betty Krusiewicz.
Among the Perry fans at the rally in the Republican stronghold, was Orange County resident Betty Krusiewicz. She said she’s sold on Perry because “he can communicate that conviction about what’s truthful versus what’s politically correct.” She said she speaks for many Orange County conservatives in calling Romney “presidential fluff” and she said that while she admires Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann for her staunch conservatism, she would not support her for president. “I will not vote for a woman,” she said. “I believe a man should lead this country.”
That just totally uncurled everybody’s hair this morning at the beauty salon. Science is untruthful but politically correct? Is that what Betty’s saying?
And if Betty thinks a woman shouldn’t lead this country, what do you suspect she thinks about a black man doing it?
Now, I gotta tell you something. Betty and me — well, no matter how much we chatted, we ain’t never gonna come to an agreement about anything. Betty and me — not even from the same planet or species.
Not even close.
Please, this woman does not represent Orange County, Conservatives, or Republicans. I worked for Tad, her husband, years back when he owned a chain of cheesy computer stores. This woman was a royal pain, frequently breezing through the store with a box of cleaners and insisting that we, the sales staff, go and clean out the bathrooms. Or she would say other silly things in front of customers. Her husband was a blowhard.
The two of them should shut up and stick with playing bridge out in the desert with the other knuckleheads.