Et Tu Newt?
“Ole Newt is just sitting around waiting for the mainspring to run down because all he’s managed in his campaign is a hefty bag of broken dreams,” Juanita smiles. “For a while there Newt had a dog and pony show going on. But, the dog wet everywhere and the pony didn’t know any tricks.”
“I do not feel sorry for Newt, now,” Juanita reports, “because a whole bunch more bad stuff has to happen to him for the karma scale to tilt even a tad. So Newt, who ain’t got nothing to lose but his temper, has begun to hang his wash on Rick Perry’s line.”
Yep. You heard her right. Newt Gingrich, who once fancied himself as smart as Bill Clinton, is feeling mighty temporary right now so he’s talkin’ sweet things about Rick Perry, a man who makes Sarah Palin look like an owl with a fifty pound dictionary.
Newt said of Rick:
“I like him a lot. I wrote the foreword to his most recent book; I think he’s been a great governor of Texas; he will be a very formidable competitor if he gets into the race.”
And today there was this.
During a question-and-answer session with the Charleston Tea Party, Gingrich was asked by the moderator, a local radio host, to name “the second best candidate for the Republican nomination.”
Ole Newt has gone lower than a snake’s navel in a wagon track. He wants to be Rick’s Vice President.
I used to think that Rick Perry on the ticket would insure that Obama gets 49 states. Add Newt, and he’s got all fifty.