Tom DeLay Fades Away
Old rightwing politicians never die, they just clog up the court system and overload the IRS.
Five years have passed since House Majority Leader Tom DeLay resigned from Congress, and it has been 24 since the Texas Republican created a conservative grass-roots group that failed to take root.
But until last month, you could still make tax-free donations to that nonprofit, People Restoring an Internationally Competitive Economy.
“Yep, Tom DeLay always had his PRICE,” Juanita laughs.
The IRS finally has a law that allows them to take inactive nonprofits off the books. Until then, I’m pretty sure that you could donate to Tom’s golf fund through PRICE.
Oddly, Tom DeLay says PRICE was his only failure.
PRICE, which DeLay described to Roll Call in 2003 as the only ambitious goal he set and did not meet, ….
“Oh Dude, you better sneeze because your brain is dusty,” Juanita warns him. “There’s that book that didn’t sell, and that pay-per-view website you had that only got 14 subscribers, and that grand foster home facility that now sits empty and going to seed, and whoa, Honey, Dancin’ with the Stars had to change their name to Dancin’ with the Wussies when you were on, and that jury verdict, and that Contract with America dealie, and the legal defense fund begging money that never comes, and whiny and pathetic speech you gave to the judge before he sentenced your butt to 3 years in jail, and the fact that if you go to you get redirected to this squalor, and …. let me take a breath here.”
“Tom, Babe, wake up: your life is a tribute to wreckage and failure. So, like PRICE, it’s time for you to fade away. Okay, fade away after you serve your three years hard time in a Texas prison.”
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads-up.