Update on the Salon

January 13, 2025 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Here’s a brief update on the future of the Salon.  As we’ve talked we felt it important to maintain the record of work done by Susan and the other writers for the last umpteen years, and there is some discussion of some go forward presence, though that’s not defined in any way yet.  In the meantime, we’ve decided to keep the website alive for now, and will keep commenting active for the next month or so.  We’re going to do some updating to the platform to reduce costs and workload, so you’ll see some changes to the page in coming weeks.

We’ll keep our customers updated on future decisions as we make them.

El Jefe

0 Comments to “Update on the Salon”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Sounds good!

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Much appreciated!

  3. Bless all y’all. If expenses are involved, let us know. Most of us like TWMDBS to pay for it.

  4. Great news.
    It will help with the transition? descent? after inauguration day. Into unknown territory with friends who have your back.

  5. The best news I’ve heard post-election. Please make it happen.

  6. In these times a bit ‘o hopeful news helps muy mucho! Besides, someone is sure to have a Molly Ivins moment with Abbot’s refusal to fly state flags at “half mast”. tRump must think you all have a navy.

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

  8. Yay! Good news for a change.

  9. What Crone @3 says.

    I’d be more than happy to pay a subscription or chip in!

    Thank you for keeping the light on.

  10. S M McBean says:

    I too would appreciate some continuing presence, and would chip in on costs.

  11. Count me in if subscriptions would help you.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Same here.


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