Friday Toons

January 03, 2025 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Oh I am so going to miss this blog, and the Friday ’toons…. So thankful it’s been part of my political reading for as long as it has. ♥️♥️♥️

  2. Judge Merchan to sentence convicted felon, drumpf, on Jan 10th. Don’t forget the popcorn.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    That’s a lot of timely right on toons. That last one certainly illustrates the difference between the orange moron and Jimmy Carter. Could also say the same for Joe Biden vs president pervert.
    Fran, we will miss this weekly recap.

  4. Biden awarded magat bogeyman, George Soros, with medal of freedom. Watch magat heads explode in rage, the only way possible for a magat to expand its mind.

    drumpf border czar knowingly lied when he said a closed border would have prevented New Year’s day attacks. Both terrtorists were Americn born citizens, but magats are content to continually spread lies they know are lies.

  5. South Duhkota magat and sinate majority leader, Marlboro Barbie, shit on drumpf’s parade when he said, after the sinate gavelled in new session, he would maintain filibuster rule, which drumpf hates.

    Honestly, I didn’t think he/she/it had the balls to go against drumpf’s fondest wishes.

    There may be some hope for Democracy amidst a sea tide of magats.

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    Deport Elon First.

  7. I have a confession to be made publicly…. I have always reckoned drumpf to be a pathological liar when in reality he is a sociopathic and congenital liar, which is far worse.

    He lies in a way never seen before by humankind.

  8. Trudeau is out as Canada’s leader. He resigned. Guess being drumpfuck’s guv of Canada did not appeal to him.


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