March 30, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Toons, Trump, Trumpists
Welcome to The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston. I live in Richmond, Texas, in the heart of Tom DeLay's old district. It's nuttier than squirrel poop here.
I am honored and privileged to know Miss Juanita Jean Herownself, hairdresser extraordinary and political maven. Since she does not have time to fiddle with this internet stuff, I type her website for her and you can read it if you want to. If you don't, she truly does not give a big bear's butt.
A lot of what I post here has to do with local politics, but you probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. This is a professional political organization.
Seems a little fishy, isn’t he usually just loafing around on the golf course?
1Besides being a malignant narcissist, trumpf has this- delusions or visions of grandeur, symptoms of dimentia and schizophrenia.
It might be funnier if the caption read: “Sermon on the Can” since that’s where he usually is when he posts his screeds on his Twitter wannabe site.
3Syphilis in a dress .
4Rick, I see what you did there.
5Unfortunately, like the loaves and the fishes, his words are multiplying the hostility, hatred, and contempt for civility in the folks who lap up his verbal diarrhea like it’s Gospel.
rAmen to that…