The Real Deal

February 18, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Pssssst. Do you wanna get in on the real deal? Well…Bzzzzt! You are SOL. You’re too late, Jake. The 8th Wonder of the World has sold out only 2 hours after TFG offered his signature gold painted high tops to the public at the Sneaker Con convention in Philly this weekend. Only a mere 24 hours after getting his a$$ handed to him  being unfairly treated by AG Letitia James and Judge Engoron to the tune of some $356 million that he now owes the people of New York state they say he has to give them, TFG is on the grift stump again hawking sneakers to “young people”.

Because that’s what interests young people: over-priced sneakers.

And nothing says success like owning a pair of these exclusive gold-painted sneakers. They’re offering only 1000 of these monstrosities collectors’ items at $399 American.

But they’re all gone now, you losers.

All 1000 were snapped up by gullible shrewd young voters, voters that TFG is going to need this November if he is going to regain his throne elected office once and for all time.

But don’t despair, dear suckers readers. You can still snap up some fine TFG swag at this website (not affiliated with anything political, or TFG or good taste). There are regular sneakers in beautiful red state red or white (our favorite color) with gold lettering.

Wanna smell bad smell like TFG? Then you need a case of Victory Cologne that you can also snap up for only a cool $99/bottle at the same website.

Pay us now, and we’ll ship it all to you in 4 or 5 months.



0 Comments to “The Real Deal”

  1. Wow! Just like Trump University, Trump Air, Trump Steaks, Trump Tower, Mar a Lago, all his golf courses here and abroad!
    These sneakers come already smelly!

  2. I want some of that Chinga Tu Pelo Beer.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Read a couple other things today like he wants to be just like Michael with his Air Frauds. Also, now he’s apparently stuffing his big ass into a girdle for his rally appearances. You know, so he looks so fit. Wow, imagine the smell coming out of one of those at the end of his show.

  4. slipstream says:

    When President Obama wore a tan suit, the right wingnuts filled their diapers.

    Trump peddling sneakers? I’ll bet the right wingnuts won’t say a word.

  5. Someone actually bought a pair for $9,000 .

  6. Karen Crosby says:

    Great graphic!!

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    So, the small print at the bottom says these cheap shoes are being sold by CIC Ventures and not by Trump of the Trump Organization. Except that Trump owns CIC Ventures.

    It’s the grift that just keeps grifting.

  8. Harry Eagar says:

    So, is that 1,000 pairs or 500 pairs? Asking for a friend.

    Let’s say the numbers are not invented. 1,000 pairs at $399 gross $399,000, less the $12 per pair cost of making them. Marketing costs borne entirely by saps.

    Even so, this venture’s net covers about 2 weeks’ of the accumulating interest expense if he indeed appeals his NY civil cases.

  9. Why do I think that the RNC bought them all, via a front.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    RepubAnon: some are claiming that Trump is trying to put his daughter-in-law in charge of the RNC, precisely so he can tap its funds to pay his legal fees. One good thing about Ronna McDaniel: she has wasted and blown vast amounts of money that the RNC might otherwise have used for elections or political gains.

    Everyone should go to the site linked above. Sheer tackiness just oozes from it.

  11. The MAGAot trumpsuckers who ‘bought’ a pair of those gaudy shoes are going to have a wait.
    The sneakers won’t start delivering until July [if that]. I’ll bet that the buyer’s credit cards have already been charged, thereby granting an interest free loan to Komrade Donnei, suckers.

    He’s going to have to peddle an awful lot of cheesy crap to raise over half a billion clams to pay off his judgments. And he better hurry, the accruing interest alone is huge, and will keep piling up. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy [ /s ].

    I suspect that most of the snookers were snapped up by speculators anyway, who hope to at least double their money reselling to the slavering MAGAots.

    Guess who made the dead last position on the ranking of all US Presidents? Real easy answer.
    MAGAots are freaking out.
    Only the best, so much winning…

  12. Nick Carraway says:

    The sad thing is that he could have been content to sell his useless crap for an eternity if he hadn’t entered politics. Simply admitting defeat and leaving like the 44 guys before him likely would have bypassed maybe all but the Carroll charges. He could have sold his action figures, shoes, comic books, torn garments and anything else he can get his hands on. Sad.

  13. What I don’t understand, well, the one thing I understand far less than all the other questions I have about this golden bone spur deal, is if they don’t ship for 5 months (or more), why stop at making 1000? If they really sold 1000 on release to cash paying real people, why not make another 1000 while the factory is at it?

    I don’t buy that it’s a limited edition and another 1000 would devalue the first 1000.

  14. AlanInAustin says:

    Times were tough the economy is a mess. Inflation iss so bad with Biden that prices in grocery stores are out of reach. Nobody can afford a home. Disaster seems imminent.

    Well, at least I can afford $399 shoes.

  15. John in Lake Oswego says:

    Sneakers should be called “ERR TRUMPS”.

  16. I’ll admit it’s mildly cringe worthy to see a guy running for president hawking sneakers. Having said that, he’s not insider stock trading, or selling uranium, or preferential government policy, or getting a board membership on Raytheon’s board….or Burisma’s for that matter. He’s engaging in commerce, something we as Americans used to celebrate. The Pet Rock? People will buy all sorts of stuff, and we didn’t fault the guy selling the pet rocks, did we? I don’t recall this level of angst over Michael Jordan, or Kanye, hawking THEIR sneakers. They all sold overpriced shoes to willing buyers, in this case, people who literally lined up around the block to buy them.

    And here, we can see Trump speaking at “SneakerCon.” Who knew a Sneaker Convention was even a thing? I confess I did not. But listen to those who were there. Watch the video, with commentary by guys that remind me of the ‘waaaazuuuuup’ guys of Budweiser fame.

    Watch all of it….it’s instructional on how, apparently, the sneaker-American community is feeling right now.

  17. The day has barely started, and I’m sure that my visit to that web site has provided the best laugh I’ll have all day.

  18. The Surly Professor says:

    OK, this is probably in the day-late-399-dollar-short category, but for everyone who saw the movie They Live:

  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Only $99 to smell like “armpits, ketchup, makeup and ass” (according to Adam Kinzinger)? I’ll take two!
