Texas, We Are Famous!

March 06, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of the founders of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., is Fenway Fran, who has recently accepted the position of Senior West Coast Correspondent and then had to move out there to do it.

Fran reports that Texas got famous in Oregon.  And not in a good way.  Here’s a letter to the editor of the Oregonian.

Y’all vote for me

What started about a year ago and was humorously ignored is now starting to really irritate me. I’m talking about phone calls asking me to vote for Republican candidates and conservative initiatives in the state of Texas. As a Democrat living in Multnomah County, which is one of the most liberal counties in the United States, I have to scratch my head at the ignorance Texas Republicans display.

These occasional calls came to a peak this weekend when we returned from a trip (not to Texas) to find recorded pleas to get out the Republican vote. Kay Bailey Hutchison’s four recordings to this Oregonian 2,000 miles away convinced me how desperate her campaign was, and I wish the voice that invited me to a local precinct meeting had left a callback number.

Calling the Texas secretary of state’s office and the ethics committee in Austin got me nowhere. They said they get the same calls. It didn’t seem strange to them that there was a difference between my place of residence and theirs.

The Texas Republican Party seems only to make phone calls, rather than answer them, because I can’t get a live voice to deal with my problem.

I came away from this ordeal thinking that in the past decade there isn’t just one village missing their idiot.

Northeast Portland

Which makes us wonder – did Kay carry Portland?

By the way, Fran also plays bass guitar in Juanita’s band, Bitchin’ Betty and the Sequined Backhoes.  We will be making our Spring  2010 debut over at Yankers Bar, Grill, and Whatnot in Pleak next month.


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