Alex Jones in Connecticut

September 13, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, the Alex Jones trial against the families who filed in Connecticut is being live-streamed in Connecticut.  Mark is there but no official part of the trial.


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0 Comments to “Alex Jones in Connecticut”

  1. I can’t watch it (yuck), but I am looking forward to your comments as it goes along…or Mark’s if he has any (and I’m sure he will).

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And he’s already in trouble with the judge in Connecticut:

  3. Hmmm. He now has to go from one state to another for trial. That knds of reminds me of the old medieval punishment of tying a felon behind a wagon and dragging him town to town while villagers throw rocks, refuse and really bad language at him.

  4. There will be a long line for Alex Jones in the future, but for now, Ken Starr:

    So many dancers.
    Not enough, only one grave.

  5. Hope he gets his full measure soon.

    For both AJ and DJT, their graves are gonna get the same treatment that I saw in some BBC newsclips of victorious Ukrainian soldiers with captured Russian flags.
    They’d stomp around on the flags [among other things], and then one clip ran a moment too long, as one soldier stepped back and unzipped and began peeing on the Russki flag…

  6. Stony Pillow says:

    Juice him. Every penny he has, every penny he will ever beg, borrow or steal.

  7. He is truly a monster and deserves to be condemned to the deepest circle of hell.

  8. Is there a DSM 5 code for when you feel a twinge of sympathy for this guy? Or tfg, facing so many lawsuits? Kind of like Stockholm Syndrome?

  9. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I’d put that under either Dependent Personality Disorder or some kind of attachment disorder, but Stockholm Syndrome comes pretty close.

  10. I can’t decide who is most loathsome……dump or creepy. I do know it would add a couple of years to my life if I never heard or saw them again. Neither of them will just go away…..each of them look like their heads will explode…..alas.

  11. Rick@4: One grave, so many kidneys; not enough Tequila and Whiskey.
