Greg Abbott is a Crook

July 22, 2021 By: Jet Harris Category: Abbott, Corruption, Dark Money, Power Crisis

I’ve run out of colloquialisms about how mad I am at the Texas Government. Y’all give me your best in the comments if you don’t mind me using them in the future. I’m madder than ….. (fill in the blank)

The Texas Observer ran this story. I’ll do my best to sum it up but y’all go read the details over there- it’s good work.

Let’s review the facts:

  • Texas power grid fails and hundreds of Texans die
  • Texans who live suffer billions of dollars in damage from broken pipes and water damage (My personal number was $3,544.00)
  • Kelcy Warren’s company, Energy Transfer Partners, makes $2.4 Billion in that same week
  • Greg Abbott assures Texans all that can be done to fix the grid is done (you be the judge – here’s what they did)
  • Kelcy Warren donates a cool $1 million dollars to Greg Abbott’s re-election campaign.

I assumed it was some kind of violation of election finance law for any one person to donate such a huge sum to a campaign. I checked and sure enough, as of May 2015 an individual can make a donation of any amount to a campaign. (Who was governor in May of 2015? Greg Abbott).

The blatant corruption is exhausting. I’m more tired than a one-legged woman in an ass-kicking contest.

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0 Comments to “Greg Abbott is a Crook”

  1. G Foresight says:

    He’s also probably a man with blood on his hands, in the sense of absolutely refusing to issue a mask mandate in Texas to protect Texans from a deadly virus.

    Unlike in Australia:

    >>World-leading research has revealed the mandating of masks during Melbourne’s deadly second wave turned the pandemic “almost overnight”.

    The study…found that masks were the single most important control measure and “turned the epidemic around”.

  2. I’m madder than a murder hornet that’s had gasoline sprayed on its nest.

    As for our dotard governor, he’s supped too much Trump Kool-Aid. I saw a photo in today’s paper of him showing off a resolution he had signed with a Sharpie. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t always used a Sharpie.

  3. rastybob says:

    There should be an IQ test to run for Gov.. Both in Texas and Arizona. Not going to happen. How about an IQ test for voters?
    The GOP would make it so only IQ below 72% could vote. Or run for office..That won’t work so we are F@#$..

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m madder than a GOPer required to wear a mask! Seriously, our State officials don’t even try to hide their incompetence and grift. I’m afraid shame, peer pressure or helping others died a long time ago in Austin.

  5. Every time I see him do something I think my friend’s name for him fits.
    Dr. Strangegov.

  6. Given the complicity Abbott has in the power grid failure alone:

    Greg Abbott is an accessory to murder.

    I’m madder than a relative who hasn’t heard from a loved one in days who then drives over to check on them and finds they froze to death and when the temperature subsequently rose everything in the deep freezer thawed and melted. (too long?)

  7. Sam in Mellen says:

    Even though I left Texas 4 years ago, I’m still paying for Abbott’s idiocy and mismanagement. Many of us in WI/MN saw our gas bills double and triple. If I can do anything to derail the Nazis running Texas I will.

    Of course in WI, we have our own pariah, Ron Johnson to throw out of office.

  8. Greg Abbott a crook? Texas Republican legislators are crooks?
    tRump a crook? His kids are crooks? I am mortified, I tell ya’, mortified.
    And the Repugnant voters just yawn.

  9. Sam in Mellen,
    Do you have any “My name is Ron Johnson, I come from Wisconsin…” poems making the rounds in your neck of the north woods?

    (Wish we had ice cold Leinenkugels way out here in my grove of coconut palms.)

  10. Katherine says:

    And he hates dogs!

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    So, he got $1M out of $11B? That means Dr. Strangegov (thanks, Mike!) got a 0.009% tip for his efforts. It’s not just that they are corrupt and crooked, but they are so damned cheap as well. I’d almost think better of him if he had gotten at least 10% of the gravy.

  12. “Greg Abbott is a crook”?

    That’s crazy talk, along the lines of saying water is wet.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I really feel for the good people of Texas. This is not meant to make light of addutt’s crimes. I’m sorry to say, a majority of texans are not good because they are complicit when they select crooks like abbutt .
    I read rant paul is interjecting himself into tx politics to support someone that will primary abbutt. There’s no comfort in that considering the ranting person supporting abbutt’s competition. Can’t say it could get worse but not likely to get better.
    Someone should give rant’s neighbor a reward for punching him.

  14. john in denver says:

    Abbott’s CAMPAIGN got a $1 million donation already. hard to say if there are other expectations or promises for future donations to the campaign, to some PACs, to other candidates that Abbott is supporting, or if there is a board membership in Abbott’s future.

  15. jrkrideau says:

    @ 11 The Surly Professor

    Well, I was working just from the Kelsey Warren figures and get 0.04%. Your 0.009% makes the point even better.

    In either case it seems to illustrate something I have noticed before. Politicians are cheap. I don’t think Walmart or Costco could sell an equivalent product that cheaply.

  16. Frankly, he is more like the late Papa Doc and Baby Doc of Haiti.They held on as long a they could and left a trail of deathj and disaster behind them.

  17. LarrytheRed says:

    I’m madder than a real lawyer representing a Trumper.

  18. I’m madder than Donald Trump getting only one scoop of ice cream for dessert.

  19. thatotherjean says:

    Greg Abbott is a crook? This is news? He and his administration are also an ongoing disaster for the state of Texas.

  20. Sam in Mellen says:


    My name is Ron Johnson,
    I lied to Wisconsin,
    and now I don’t care if you see
    that I bought my election
    and now take direction
    from rich guys who think just like me…(repeat)
