Oh Dear – It’s Contagious

October 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz, auditioning for a role in the Trump Loser Team.



I am not so much waiting for a Coronavirus vaccine as a dwindling of teevee political battles.

And to add Holy Water to the fire …

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in Rome this week, but Pope Francis refused to meet with him, reportedly because the Vatican thought a meeting would be used to help President Donald Trump’s re-election effort.

The Pope isn’t speaking to Mike Pompeo.  Well, neither am I.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.  


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0 Comments to “Oh Dear – It’s Contagious”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Our country’s future is determined by voters conditioned to think the ability to mimic professional wrestlers trash talk is a good way to select leaders

  2. Harry Eagar says:

    Official word is the Vatican does not meet with people involved in upcoming partisan elections, general policy not specifically anti-Pompeo or anti-Trump.

    Hard to believe that unofficially the Vatican is not pissed at Pompeo who treated it with his usual blustering, hectoring, smarmy contempt.

    As one raised a Catholic a long time ago, and who knows the church’s history, this idea of not interfering in elections is welcome, though I am dubious,and in any event it’s waaaay late.

  3. Harry Eagar,
    Certainly the church did create millions of one-issue voters in 2016. Even in my poor, 25% Latino town weekly bulletins always had a “pro-life” notice, but little to nothing about other pressing social issues.

    But then, this is a different pope and one with scientific training at that. He’s raising the hackles of the right wing who claim he’s subverting the faith or some such thing (infallible? That’s what they said in CCD class 60 years ago) So he must be doing something right.

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The Vatican is right to be concerned. Dennis Quaid interviewed Dr. Fauci for his podcast and is worried that it will somehow be used by the trump campaign and its outrageous $300 million “everything is fine” show run out of HHS.


  5. Heard Cruz on NPR the other day. Just like 45, he can’t say a word without lying. Made me want to throw up.


  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Remember when Leningrad Lindsey had a semblance of a sense of humor and somewhat of a grasp on reality, albeit slight in both instances?

    “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” Graham said, referencing the Tea Party senator’s unpopular reputation with his colleagues.”

    “I think he’s a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.”
    — Sen. Lindsey Graham on Trump, Feb 2016

    Since then Graham has lost all contact with reality. Whereas it’s doubtful the loathsome Teddie Crooze ever had any contact with reality.

    lol @ “the fourth estate” fighting back with too little, too late. But at least they’re doing some jabbing in the right direction instead of total jobbing for the power elite .01%.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Lazrgrl, I am older than you and was thinking more of the church’s baleful interference in European elections. My memory goes back only to the Italian elections in the early ’50s but of course the church was up to its eyeballs in Spanish fascism.

    In the early ’50s and into the ’60s the American church hierarchy was all in with that (it created Joe McCarthy) but the laity was only variably ready to be influenced.

    The church had a nervous breakdown in the late ’60s-early ’70s, with many clergy and nuns leaving or, if staying put, teaching unorthodox doctrines. My high school religion teacher made it very clear that if an obstetrician was faced with a choice between saving a mother or the unborn baby she was carrying, she sholud save the mother. That was if not official heresy contradictory to Catholic teaching and practice, as the history of Ignaz Semmelweiss teaches us.

    People never mention it any more but that was also the era when medical science gave women simple, cheap, effective contraception, and while the hierarchy was against it, something like 98% of Catholics ignored them.

    The ability of the American church to maneuver its contributors in the ballot booth has been much lessened since then.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    Not as eloquent as Amy Klobuchar’s soliloquy but equally devasting!

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Regardless of the Pope’s policy of not involving himself in politics during elections, we all know why Pompous Pompeo wanted to meet the Pope- and it wasn’t to get forgiveness.
    And now Trumpf followers will say he is part of the deep state.

  10. From some of my Italian friends who are largely 1st generation Americans which means they grew up with parents whose first language was Italian, “Never mess with Pope Frankie. when he was a young man before entering the seminary he was a bouncer t a nightclub.”

    Nuff said.
