And This Is Why We Didn’t Ever Elect Him President

September 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



I used to think that all these Republicans just followed the vile and immoral Donald Trump because they were afraid of him.  They were scared of being the butt of a mean Tweet.  I used to think they were just cowards.

I had a talk last night with a really intuitive and smart person I know and I have decided I was wrong about that.

They are Trump.  Trump has given them permission to be who they are and then to hide behind their fear of him. They prefer to be seen as cowards than who they really are.

They truly like what they are doing.  They are enjoying themselves.

It is better to be seen as a coward than the rotting carcasses of men they are.

And now I’m going to get another cup of coffee.


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0 Comments to “And This Is Why We Didn’t Ever Elect Him President”

  1. charles phillips says:

    A republican is a person who assumes only the entitled, ‘the enlightened,’ and the wealthy should be allowed to vote. Everyone else are serfs who should cater to their ‘superior’ whims. If you’ve ever thought otherwise, disabuse yourself of such notions.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    Just saw Romney state his reasoning on MSNBC.
    Maybe you need a good splash of whiskey in your morning coffee … brace yourself for the rest of the bullshit heading our way for this first day of autumn!

  3. i find it hard to believe that mitt seeing djt sit down with the new girl to make certain that the trump family always gets the best deal (not the country) it looks like bribery….

  4. And why we never will.

  5. Hope springs eternal.
    Maybe he will vote NOT to confirm her.

  6. Republicans are evil cowards and traitors.
    And should always be treated as such.

  7. Whoever is doing it, please stop. Somewhere in the universe of crazy someone keeps asking how much more vile can the GOP become. And, each time the GOP rises to that challenge. It’s a pattern with them begun long before Reagan.

    Still have lunch money? Then the answer is: no, they are not done.

    Reagan? Ironic. Through the fog that was Reagan came ‘clarity’ as to Republicon intent. Donnie? The barge has landed and is being festooned with bells and whistles.

    Thom Hartmann for the Reagan to Donnie ride:

  8. Yep. Prior to primary season, they could make a case for being afraid of McConnell. After all, he’s got more than tweets at his disposal. He’s got a slate of even more right wing candidates who occupy the Senate now who he can weaponize and launch at anyone who steps out of line.

    But once primary season is over, that excuse goes right out the window.

    This is who they are, all right. Some of them [perhaps even most] seem to be downright gleeful over RBG’s death simply because she has given them the chance to poke their thumbs in the liberals’ eye.

  9. thatotherjean says:

    You know, that sounds about right. It explains the gleeful look so many Republicans get when they’re doing something really vile, that will bring misery to a huge number of people. They, and the Trump they hide behind all need to be gone. VOTE in November to turf them all out, so the decent people can start re-building what they have broken.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    Liars all. Alas, though we may send most packing in November, we will be dealing with them for a long time. Other countries must be watching us like we watched banana republics and Soviet satellites during their elections and subsequent downward spirals.

  11. G Foresight says:

    “Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality,” said President Kennedy in 1963.

  12. I didn’t vote for Mitt because he’s a Republican. I’ve never voted for a Republican and never will. Come November 3rd, my vote for national offices goes to Joe Biden, Gary Peters and Bryan Berghoef.

    Anyone with an R after their name is poison.

  13. I’m happy to see that the scales have fallen from our eyes.

  14. Thank you!
    I have been telling my family since the orange pus filled loon was inaugurated that the GOP finally got who they wanted.

    Yeah, he is an effing serial killer.
    Yeah, he is gross.
    Yeah, he is ignorant.
    Yeah, he is racist and xenophobic (but not of countries that give him access to money).

    But if only he acted nicer while he did the treasonous, psychotic, murderous stuff for them because they finally found a man they can get behind and pretend they won’t get the blood all over them.

    Remember, if there were half decent republicans they hung it up and retired in 2017.

  15. Harry Eagar says:

    It was uncomfortable having a spine.

    I have said for decades that 40% of Americans are natural fascists, by which I mean they are looking for a fuehrer, someone to relieve them of the insupportable burden of making decisions. It is also significant that about 40% of Americans belong to churches (Roman Catholic, Protestant evangelical) that teach submission to authority.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As HRC so eloquently stated- they’re deplorables- backers of Trumpf. Had almost come to the conclusion that Romney had a conscience and a spine, I was misled.
    Watched the cbs morning news just briefly to see one of the most deplorable spewing crap. One rude, crude, Teddie Cruz. Could only stand a minute or so as the master of not answering said it’s the Democrats that have changed their minds on picking a SCJ during an election year. I hope the interviewer called his bullshit about his personal comments from 2016. And those of Wicked Mitch and……..all the rest.
    But I couldn’t stand anymore and turned him off and almost lost my breakfast.

  17. charles phillips says:

    There is no future in this country worth living through if Trump keeps his job and the dems don’t take the senate, although the latter is the more important goal.

  18. May Mittens ‘magic shorts’ spontaneously combust, and immolate his sorry ass and shriveled withered naughty bits into charcoal for his craven perfidy.

  19. Sam in Superior says:

    Do you think Romney would the moral thing because he proclaims his religiosity? He’s not that moral and neither is his current. I grew up in southern Utah and can attest the LDS religion as as spiritually bankrupt or more so than other religions.
