And Then There is Trump’s Health…

September 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Trump lies about his enemies’ mental states and physical health in a continuous stream as long as those lies serve his purposes, whatever those are.  Well, karma turned on him yesterday, this time self inflicted.  Here’s how the story has evolved:

Remember last November when Trump made a rushed and unexpected trip to Walter Reed Hospital?  The trip was not scheduled, and he was accompanied by the White House physician.  We asked about the trip, a spokesman said the trip was for preliminary tests before Trump’s annual physical.  We all knew THAT was a lie, but no one really figured out the real reason.  Well, now we know and it’s not good; for Trump I mean.  Here’s how the story is playing out…

Yesterday a new book titled Trump v. The United States by NY Times reporter Michael Schmidt was published.  It is an investigative look at the chaos of the Trump WH and how he is actually threatening the very survival of democracy in the US.  In the book, though, Schmidt mentions that during said November trip to Walter Reed, Pence was put on standby to take over in case Trump needed to be put under anesthesia for a surgical procedure.  That story had not been picked up by any major news agency, and then Trump tweeted this:

So, Trump denies reports that he had a series of mini strokes, when, in fact NO ONE WAS REPORTING THAT.  Maggie Haberman of the NY Times then tweeted:

So, Trump, frantic to kill any story that happens to be true about his health, actually outed himself.  As you would expect, the Twitterverse exploded, and one doctor even gave a plausible argument that Trump is actually displaying signs that he has had a stroke:

The fact that Trump has had a series of strokes explains a LOT of his physical issues including slurring of words, his difficulty walking down the ramp at West Point, and trouble drinking water with one hand.  Everyone in the United States (except for Trumpists) know Trump is in terrible physical condition.  He is at least 40 pounds overweight, he eats junk food every day, and even had to ride a golf cart during a walk of world leaders during a G7 meeting in 2017.  The possibility that he’s had a series of strokes explains all of those unanswered questions about Trump’s health.

Karma is a bitch, to be sure.



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0 Comments to “And Then There is Trump’s Health…”

  1. Seems like any incapacity that affects walking, drinking, and clinging to a podium would also affect his golf swing. A video analysis of that might be revealing- especially when compared to earlier videos.

  2. He has gotten so used to throwing out red meat to his pack that he screwed up on his own self! Mini strokes usually result in meds which – allegedly – will prevent The Big One. Still, he is playing with a proverbial forest fire. I saw two grandparents taken by strokes. This was before the meds I mentioned. It was not pretty..

  3. Are “ little ones” followed by a BIG ONE? Asking for a friend.

  4. Karma! You missed.

  5. Robert McClellan says:

    The problem with Team Trump’s message is they keep preaching to the choir. Do they really think screaming Covid 19 is fake will convince a lot of independents?

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    Not reported? I’ve been calling this out for many months. We saw one stroke occurring live in the teevee.

    His passing aphasias suggest others we didn’t observe personally.

    If you have experience with people who’ve had strokes, you don’t have to be a physician. It’s obvious.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He might want to cancel the debates with “sleepy” Joe because I think he’ll literally fall flat on his face.
    Pictures are worth a 1000 words. The Lincoln Project ads make it pretty clear he has recurring episodes of brain farts and other symptoms of having had more than a couple of strokes.
    Hope the press keeps reporting the episodes because the pressure will become too much and he’ll have the “big one”.
    I don’t really wish harm to any actual human, so I don’t feel bad.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    And it’s a hoax that I had chicken pox in second grade just before Christmas!

  9. Maggie, both my parents had “mini” strokes months before they died. True they were in their late 90s, but otherwise stable but the strokes led to a rapid downfall. Nothing mini about them in the end.

  10. Maggie,
    Both my parents had small strokes – true, in their late 90s. But they were pretty stable up to that point. Slurring speech, inability to eat on their own, confinement to bed/wheelchair and death followed within months. Not pretty.

  11. Brad in Dallas says:

    Joyce @3 I’ve seen it asserted online that ministrokes often precede major strokes, but don’t know the qualifications of the person saying so. Some risk factors for stroke are known and are preventable/treatable: smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atrial fibrillation. But not all strokes are linked to these. And of course what are the chances the Twitter Toddler would conscientiously take medications?

  12. @Harry #6 – I avoid watching 45 on the teevee. When did he have a stroke in front of cameras?

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    The day he could not read the word orange (I think it was0.

  14. My grandfather had a series of mini-strokes during the six months before he passed away. Robbed him of a lot of physical abilities.

  15. Sorry, but a major stroke couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy. I don’t usually wish bad things on anyone but this SOB has gotten under my skin.

  16. Wait ~ there’s more!
    Former White House doctor and US House candidate, TX-13 Ronny Jackson is making weird claims about Trump’s health again

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Part of what Ronnie the Quack said about Trumpfs trip to the hospital was true- “it had nothing to do with his brain or his heart.” Trumpf has neither of those organs. He has shit for brains and a piece of coal where a heart should be. Maybe he’ll go golfing this weekend and have more strokes than he counted on.
    Good luck Texas with another whakamoe politician.

  18. Harry Eagar says:

    I am not a physician but I think I know the outlines of the trip to Reed.

    Trump was obviously deteriorating. We all could see it. Besides the aphasias, he was looking terrible. I think he was being overmedicated, don’t know with what or for what (but would not be surprised if it was something that his doctors had not prescribed or even knew about). I think the trip to Reed was to check on that.

    I further think that in May his medications were adjusted. He almost immediately started looking better, better skin, better color.

    You do not have to be a physician to figure this out, just recall how your own doctor handled you.

  19. Barbara C Jones says:

    A TIA would look very much like a stroke but not have permanent damage. They usually resolve within a few hours. My dad went thru several but, thanks to appropriate medication and followup, never had an actual stroke. So Trump could be right that he did not have a series of mini-strokes, but still have had a significant health event. I am sure he would never say he did not have a transient ischemic attack. (Those are big words.)
