I Have Begun Believing Five or Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

August 12, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Chili’s in Louisiana.

A group of eleven women come in for lunch and pitch a wall eyed snot nosed hissy fit because the 17 year old hostess won’t seat more than six of them at a single table because that there’s the rules at Chili’s during the virus.  They get mad. One of them picks up a wet floor sign and hits the hostess with it, causing her to have to go get two stitches above her eye.  They leave before the police get there.

The Police in Florida

Billy Woods, the sheriff in Marion County, up and decided that it would be best for all involved that no employee of the sheriff’s department or any visitors to that office would be allowed to wear a facemask.  Because … he says he can find a professional to say masks are harmful for every professional you can find who says they are helpful.  Okay, that’s not a reason – because he’s an idiot.  His order was issued the same day that Florida set a one-day record for the most Coronavirus deaths and his own county had 13 deaths that day.

Georgia’s 14th Congressional District

Last night Marjorie Taylor Greene won the GOP primary for a very red district in Georgia.  Marjorie is a strong believer in QAnon and promises to bring class to congress as she spoke last night promising to get rid on Nancy Pelosi. “She’s a hypocrite. She’s anti-American. And we’re going to kick that b**** out of Congress.”  Majorie will be honored with a tin foil hat swearing in ceremony.

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I Have Begun Believing Five or Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast”

  1. Sure makes me glad to live in Michigan. I mean, we’re not perfect but we’re not complete idiots either.

  2. Brad in Dallas says:

    If we get our wish, Trump will be soundly defeated in November and will slink off to the obscurity he so richly deserves. I know a one-party America sounds pretty good right now, but that’s not a functional democracy. There will still be a second party out there, whether Republican or something else, we don’t yet know. Chances are that 60 million of our fellow Americans will have some soul searching to do in January 2021. Some will want to be all shouty like these fools. They may prevail for a while, if Fox News feeds their base instincts, like they usually do. But the thinking Republicans will want to get back to power. The Lincoln Project folks and Never Trumpers will assert themselves, and if we (all Americans) are lucky, they’ll put something together that can compete in the marketplace of ideas again. Let’s hope so, because 60 million militant anti-democracy sabateurs, led by an aggrieved Trump, and backed by Putin, could start some serious s**t.

  3. Sigh. I’m glad I live in DC, where people understand the need to wear masks, physically distance, and where the death rate is dropping down to 0 most days.

    Also, that Q lady is proving that she’s too stupid to live. Go on, Girl. Take on Madam Speaker. I dare ya!

  4. The White Queen would be ecstatic during these times. There are so many impossible things to believe!

  5. Sometimes I wonder how some people have lived as long as they have without someone constantly reminding them to “Breathe!”

  6. Good illustrations why the trumpig was elected. The grossly st00pid do not want officials smarter then they are!

  7. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Why am I never there when some beeyatches need slapping? Granted, I don’t live in Louisiana, and haven’t been to Chili’s since before the pandemic arrived, but O Lord can’t you arrange to have some of these mean, rude, deplorable idiots show up in front of me sometime so I can have some fun? I don’t have too many more years ahead of me, and the last time I literally smacked someone is too many years in the past.

  8. Another day of confusion for Joe says:

    OK, by the numbers but out of order.
    1. Chili’s ladies…..my solution would be a large sign posting the rights of the management to ask for appropriate behavior (defined by management). If inappropriate behaviors continues
    Management asserts it’s right to “bear chairs” and smak the chit out of dumbasses.
    2. I don’t pay taxes in Florida, but I’d sure be the first one to speak up about the costs, to taxpayers, of care for the Dumbass Sheriff and his employees because they just “don’t want to wear masks”
    3. Georgia….do we want to start a gofundme to buy “WELCOME TO IGNERNT….please no photos or stopping” signs.

  9. Meanwhile in CT’s second Congressional district, only 5 votes separate the 2 GOP candidates, one of whom informally withdrew the day before the primary after an arrest for domestic violence.

    This is the same district where 2 years ago the GOP candidate quit because “they wanted me to change who I was.” (I think he meant wear a suit and stop drinking beer in public.)


  10. Back in the day there were a bunch of video collections like Girls Gone Wild & Jackass. Probably a few more in that vein but I don’t remember the names as it wasn’t my cup of tea.

    With cell phones everywhere, we now get fresh installments of Jackasses Gone Wild every day, long before my first cup of coffee out here in Hawaii. The clips do come at a lower price than the VCR versions. As usual though you get what you pay for, and I don’t think you got very much the first time around.

  11. I live in the one county in the district that did not go for Marjorie Taylor NutCase. Her opponent, a local neurosurgeon, is from this county. All the rest went for Ms. QQ. I live in the middle of wingnut central.

    Her opponent is not much better, though. He tied himself to Trump, the 2nd Amendment, and Stopping Socialism.

    The Democrat is a nonentity with little or no political experience and no name recognition. We’ll see if Never Q carries the day. In this district, I seriously doubt it.

  12. No I am not stoned. Think about this. Trump dumps Pence and takes the QAnon chick who just won her primary as his VP to help his re-election. Far out?? Really?? After what we have seen him do??

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    Lemme see: Louisiana, Florida, Georgia … now what do those states have in common?

    The only real question is what similar events in Alabama and Mississippi did Vicki miss? [No aspersions being cast upon her – there’s so much like this that it’d require an entire news organization to list it all.]

    As for slapping them, resist that temptation. They could be like the Westboro Baptist Church, trying to provoke a reaction so they can then sue you.

    Quasi-related: two weeks ago I did succeed in deflecting an old coot at Target who was arguing about not wearing a mask with the teenagers stopping him from entering. When he went into a rant about masks not protecting against disease, I jumped in and told him of course they don’t. The mask is so no one else has to look at his ugly, stupid face. That certainly focused his attention on me, not them. And without me having to get my gloves dirty slapping him.

  14. Teh Gerg, I like to ask seniors who are terrified of socialism if they’d mind handing me their social security checks. My kids have some steep student loans to pay off.

  15. Also, remind them Donald Trump has promised that if he is reelected he will cut off funding for Social Security and Medicare.

  16. BarbinDC@3, I’m glad people in DC seem to have a clue. I’ve been following the numbers pretty closely, because my daughter is leaving this week to return to Georgetown for school. Back in April, I wanted her to come home to Houston because it was safer. Now, assuming she doesn’t get the ‘Rona on the plane back, she’ll be safer in DC. Although I think she might have to quarantine for 2 weeks once she gets there.

  17. The woman who assaulted that Chili’s employee needs to be arrested.

  18. The Surly Professor says:

    Jill Ann @16: Given how airplanes are a focal point for the raving rat-lickers, you might consider having your daughter driving to DC. Especially if you have some friends located at a couple of intermediate stages where she could overnight and break up the driving.

    This is what my Chinese and Chinese-American friends are doing, especially since they have the additional burden of racist attacks accusing them and their children for the Trump Plague. They have a small-scale underground railroad going, with intermediaries that can be trusted to have done the whole hand-washing, distancing, mask-wearing drill from the start.

    Plus, she won’t have to deal with the TSA groping her or sharing her body-scans around.

  19. Still voting for people with no idea how government works. How, exactly, would a freshman Congresswoman from Georgia be able to “kick [Pelosi] out of Congress? I suppose It’s just the hate that counts for those voters.

  20. Cheryl Cox says:

    Sadly, I know Billy Woods. I hate visiting family in Florida, it’s just a backwards place. Most only see the tourist meccas, the real Florida is a mess.

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    We had to learn from the British press about Salt Lake City police setting a dog on a Black man.

