Karma Covid

July 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump’s national security advisor has the Covid.  It’s gonna be hard as hell to explain how this guy caught a hoax.

The name of his national security advisor this week is Robert O’Brien.  It has been said that he meets with Trump regularly, but you know that’s not true.


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0 Comments to “Karma Covid”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    O’Brien will soon learn this is real but has long lasting effects. There was an interview in the paper with a young woman – 28 – who got it in March, was hospitalized and is still on strong blood thinners today.

  2. “There is no risk of exposure to the president or the vice president.”

    In other words, nobody in this administration ever talks to the national security advisor. So who’s advising on national security policy, Vladimir Putin?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m kind of hoping maybe Trumpf and all his inner circle got together maskless while Mr. O’Brien was contagious even if Trumpf was only admiring his cognitive test printout during the meeting. Maybe he got it from another advisor so there’s more sick people.
    Actually, I’m not kind of hoping, I’m really hoping.
    I know I shouldn’t wish this on any actual humans that care about others, so I feel justified.

  4. Sam in Superior says:

    The only strip club in town had to close due to COVID; I’m pretty sure O’Brien was the culprit.

  5. I’m with you, Steve.

  6. Thoughts and prayers…

  7. maryelle says:

    With all of the people around Trump coming down with it, why doesn’t he get it, darn it? Or maybe he’s patient zero, infecting people around him yet asymptomatic himself. Maybe the Clorox

  8. Per MSNBC, this “national security expert was recently in Europe
    doing his job with his counterparts over there BUT not wearing a mask or doing any distancing. How he got away with breaking the laws of any European country mandating mask and distancing is beyond me, but hey, looks likehe is going to pay for it.

  9. When it comes to infection of any rthugs, have no more s@@@@ to give.

  10. not at all on topic, but… what is the maximum one can give to Hank Gilbert.? Does it matter if we are out of state?
    Thank you.

  11. john in denver says:

    Maximum donation for a US Rep candidate, according to the FEC:
    During the current two-year election cycle the limit for contributions by individuals to federal candidates for President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives has increased to $2,800 per election. ($2800 for primary, $2800 for general in the cycle).

    Talk with a friendly Democratic fundraiser for various ways around the limit, if you are in a position to throw more money into a race.
