One Picture is Worth…

June 21, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump, Trump's Meltdown

Brad Parscale, Trump’s digital marketing guru, boasted earlier this week that one million people had applied for tickets to Coronafest in Tulsa.  Usually brilliant, Parscale fell for a prank by Tik-Tok users whose viral posts prompted all those ticketed no-shows.  Only 6,200 showed, the outdoor events were abruptly canceled, and you know that Trump raged all the way home.  But the best thing?  This photo:

Nothing embodies Trump’s fizzling re-election prospects more than this image.

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0 Comments to “One Picture is Worth…”

  1. Laughed my ass off! The funniest part is imagining the Bunker Bitch ranting! Wonder if a tiny tear escaped.
    Good bye, Brad! Cannot allow such incompetence!
    Great start to this long, hot summer.

  2. I got a case of the giggles!

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    I read a comment on Facebook this morning, that it was a bunch of teenagers who requested the dummy tickets to the Virus Incubator and, of course, were all a bunch of no-shows! LOL
    Other comments were about how BLUE the arena was! LOL
    Will be interesting to see how much the virus count goes up in 10-14 days because of the mindless morons who did go to stew in the Incubator! I won’t feel one bit sorry for any of them!

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    Go check out this site for the memes … think you’ll enjoy it!!

  5. RepubAAnon says:

    I guess that’s why Parscale gets paid the big bucks. He’s a true Trumper: all promises, no deliverables.

  6. maryelle says:

    Poetic Justice: A No-Show Audience for a No-Show President!

  7. thatotherjean says:

    The thing that amazed me most was the dismantling of the outdoor stage in the middle of the afternoon, in front of TV cameras. Why not just announce over loudspeakers “This rally is officially a flop! Nobody showed up!” You’d think the campaign would have waited until dark, when fewer people would see, so it wouldn’t be quite so obvious. Four years later, and the guys who run Trump’s campaign are still amateurs.

  8. I figured a lot of the million tickets were fakes, but I never imagined Trump wouldn’t fill a 19,000 seat arena in Tulsa. Pretty sweet.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    And the weirdest part of all (for an oldie like me, at least) is the role K-pop stans are playing in this. They’ve turned into the anti-4chan brigade, which we’ve needed, but who would guess fans of Korean boy bands would become such a driving force?

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    After listening and reading about his rally comments, I would expect to see his cult wrapped in confederate flags at his next circus. He’s seriously down to a campaign of hate, advocating for a civil war.

  11. My wish is that the Founders Sing would use this photo and parody the song “One is the Loneliest Number”. Would almost write itself I think!

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    The vote is less than five months – things will go from horrible to depths we haven’t seen. He’s going to take it out on all 300 million of us!

  13. Wearing a mask AND social distancing. I’m impressed.

    Pink said there were a lot of people dressed as seats, and she thinks she sold out the same place in 5 minutes.

  14. Wearing a mask AND social distancing. I’m impressed.

    Pink said there were a lot of people dressed as seats.

  15. If Trump wants results and a sold out arena, next time he should take advice from his own Tweets.
    Brad, you’re fired.
    Antifa, you’re hired.

  16. Parscale has issued a new statement: ” I ran out of gas! I got a flat tire! I didn’t have change for cab fare! I lost my tux at the cleaners! I locked my keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!”

  17. slipstream says:

    Let’s take a moment to compare the picture of Trump’s big failure rally to the following picture of Obama speaking in St. Louis:

  18. Worst version of Where’s Waldo ever!

  19. charles phillips says:

    Baloney, 6200 adoring fans! More like 2000 sad sacks and a hope chest of broken dreams.

    Brad Parscale MUST have been a software developer for Micro-Squish at some point, because he’s sure mastered vaporware.

  20. I found this gem of a quote:

    Parscale said… “Reporters who wrote gleefully about TikTok and K-Pop [Korean pop music] fans — without contacting the campaign for comment — behaved unprofessionally and were willing dupes to the charade.”

    He got the part about “willing dupes to the charade” right. But he’s lookin’ for dupes in all the wrong places.

  21. Karen in NewMexico says:

    Thatotherjean @7. The stage people figured out they weren’t going to be paid for the rental and went to get their stuff.

  22. My new motivation: make all Trump voters feel this lonely and isolated in November. We know how to do it if we just will.

  23. Fleeting Expletive says:

    I’m particularly fond of the photo of Tweetlejuice exiting Air Force i on his return to DC. Rumpled, dejected, sweaty, DEFEATED.

  24. Harry Eagar says:

    Hmmm. Call me a cynic but is that guy all alone because nobody wanted to sit by him?

  25. thatotherjean says:

    @Karen in New Mexico #22: I hadn’t considered that angle. You’re very likely correct. Unlike the campaign staffers, the folks who weren’t likely to be paid for their unused stage wouldn’t care how it looked for the cameras when they disassembled it and took it away. Well done, them!

  26. eyesoars says:

    Dee Smith@11: Someone has put the Trump Walk of Shame to ‘Ashokan Farewell’ (Ken Burns Civil War soundtrack), which is almost as good. The vibe from ‘One Is the Loneliest Number’ fits Trump rather better: Ashokan Farewell seems far too erudite for Trump.

  27. slipstream says:

    eyesoars: for the soundtrack, how about “It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To”?
