And Here’s How They Handle It In Austria

June 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A man in Austria has been fined $565 for protesting police.

Following an incident where the man behaved “provocatively and uncooperatively” during an encounter with officers, he … well, tooted.  The police reported …

He got up from a park bench, looked at officers and “let go a massive intestinal wind apparently with full intent,” they said. “And our colleagues don’t like to be farted at so much.”

The fine was imposed for “offending public decency.”

Oh, to live in a country that cares about decency.

Thanks to Carl, our Worldwide Tooting Corespondent, for the heads up.  


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0 Comments to “And Here’s How They Handle It In Austria”

  1. He could fight the ticket because they would have to prove intent, it would seem. Otherwise, tickets would be handed out for unintentional toots.

  2. Kathy Comer says:

    I know I can’t be the only one who immediately thought of this:

  3. Buttermilk Sky says:

    If it was intentional, he has a rare and marketable skill. Mine are always unexpected and sometimes regrettable.

    I know there’s a tear gas joke here somewhere.

  4. Ormond Otvos says:

    I’d rather not live in a country that uptight.

    Who decides the intentionality of a fart?

    Mike Pence?

  5. Here in this country, that could possibily have been air pollution. And they do ticket $$ for that!

  6. charles phillips says:

    A fine is not two bullets in the back, nor a knee on the neck.

  7. We could do that here if we could pass toot reform.

  8. farted once and the person nearby says ”well pardon you” cuz I did not say excuse me. I turned and said…”yes the gawd created me this way so if you have some objection, then talk to gawd about his incompetence in designing me this way”

  9. Kathy Comer:
    I can’t believe I didn’t think of that earlier.
    Good form!
    We can only hope that in his later interactions with the police the Austrian guy got to utilize his outraaagious accent.

  10. So Austria is Antifa(rt)?

  11. slipstream says:

    Darn it. Looks like I can never visit Australia.

  12. RepubAnon says:

    “It wasn’t me – it was the one-armed man!”

    I was just made aware of this.
    Yes it’s parody.
    But hoo boy.

  14. slipstream says:

    Whoops! Australia welcomes me. It’s Austria I can’t visit.


  15. Old Fart says:

    I eat a *very* plant based diet (vegan+), so I would be rendered poor rather cruciferously.
    But I couldn’t help remembering this Hippo video: [] 😉

  16. fenway fran says:

    Kathy Coomer, my first thought, so thanks for the link. Now I don’t have to look for it!
